Opening Segment: Vince McMahon vs. Paul Heyman begins but out comes Brock Lesnar. Then Triple H's music starts and out comes the COO and Son in law of Vince McMahon. Fight ensues. Brock is busted open. Triple H wins the first fight.
(Well this is a good way to make an impact on the Wrestlemania PPV. I love that this was a good setup to this match. We knew that this was going to happen but then again it was better than the bullshit with Rock/Cena II. This is more legit. This is more real. I want to see this match again because we all know that Triple H is going to make this match go his way. So thank you WWE for making this a memorable beginning.)
Match#1: Ryback vs. Dolph Ziggler
Winner: Ryback
(So this just pissed me off to no end. Both these guys are going to be main eventers. This is not suppose to be a jobber. Ryback is a beast but Ziggler is not a jobber. He will be the WHC this year. So what the fuck made this become a fucking squash match? Thank you WWE for fucking up the opening segment with this fucking match. )
Match#2: Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali
Winner: Mark Henry
(Same match, same result. Boring. Nothing new to see. Moving on. )
Match#3: Randy Orton vs. Antonio Cesaro
Winner: Randy Orton
(This is another match we have seen over and over again. I hate repetition especially with WWE and its heavy roster. I want to see RKO challenged. As for Cesaro, well the character is getting old. I want to see the real guy behind the Cesaro character. He's cool......Cesaro is not.)
Match#4: Cody Rhodes vs. R-Truth
Winner: R-Truth
(Where to beging with this match? So R-Truth is back and ready to go but this is not the R-Truth I want to see. I actually miss the heel R-Truth. The one that hated little Jimmy and the one that was fucking nuts. This R-Truth is predictable and haha funny to a point. This was a good match. I wanted to see this match. I loved how this was not something repetitive. Thank you WWE for this bullshit. )
Match#5: Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Darren Young and Titus O'Neil
Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan
(I love that Team Hell No is still together. I know that this won't last long. As for the match, well PTP is a joke. This match has been done but hoping to see something different. I think I hated this match because it was boring at times. Plus I wanted to move on so badly. Team Hell No is going to move on after Wrestlemania. )
Match#6: The Miz vs. Jack Swagger
Winner: Jack Swagger
(I wanted to get excited for this match. I wanted to see something good. What I saw was bullshit in motion. Why? Well I dislike the bullshit that Swagger is doing right now. I find this angle with Swagger is bullshit. I hate racist or fake racist. This match pissed me off because I wanted The Miz to win. Moving on to the end........)
Main Event: CM Punk vs. John Cena - #1 Contender's Match For The WWE Title
Winner: John Cena
(This match is like a lot of matches before this feud. This is about one guy that has not won against another guy but their last match is going to change things. I want to assume that this was a setup to Wrestlemania. I want to see a triple threat match but the fact is that this is the year of Cena. So I will say this was garbage. I am a fan of Punk and feel like Cena is tired and played out. His time was over in 2009. Punk should be in the mix but then again, it is better than the bullshit with the WHC and the racist bullshit. This is not a match of the year for me because this was sad to watch. )
Final Thoughts: Once we saw Triple H kick Brock's ass, the show went from good to sickening. Too much predictability. I am speechless because the good was sucked out of this show and will probably be used for next week's show. I guess this is where I will just go to bed and hope to see something better with TNA. See you all for Thursday TNA Impact............
Gene The Grappler