
WWE Raw Review and Blog 1/30/12

WWE Raw Review 1/30/12

Note: This is the aftermath of the Royal Rumble PPV. This is the Raw that starts the Road To Wrestlemania. We know that Cena Also, did CM Punk keep the WWE Title? Or did he get screwed by Johnny Ace? This Raw will answer some questions from last and also will set the stage for WM28.

Opening Segment: Johnny Ace comes out and gives a speech about his performance and how he changed Raw for the better. He thinks he going to be perminate on Raw. Johnny Ace announces the Raw competitors for the PPV called Elimination Chamber. Kofi Kingston, The Miz, R-Truth, Chris Jericho and CM Punk will face off for the WWE Championship. CM Punk comes out to sing to Johnny Ace and wishes him well on his future endeavors. While he's doing this, he's joking with Johnny Ace. Daniel Bryan comes out after Johnny Ace announces a champion vs champion match with him and CM Punk. Daniel Bryan brags about being a vegan and also being a role model. Sheamus comes out to remind both champs that he will face the champion after The Elimination Chamber. Wished both of them luck and tells Johnny Ace he's going to be fired.
(This was a great start to the show. The suspense of finding out if Johnny Ace is going to be fired or not. The fact that Triple H is back on Raw. Also the next PPV is looking to set up something great for WM28. There were more questions than answers but it was worth watching the opening segment.)

Match#1: Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Randy Orton
(This was a great match. Wade Barrett was watching the match from a skybox. Most of this match was going Ziggler's way. I like the fact that this was a good watm up match to Barrett vs Orton on Smackdown this Friday. Dolph held his own but either he's going back to mid card hell or he's going to be in the title hunt for both titles.)

Match#2: Brodus Clay vs. Tyler Reks
(Getting tired of this gimmick. I did not even see the match. I caught the end. I don't like Brodus as a joke. Poor Tyler Reks. He's about to enter into mid card hell. )

Match#3: WHC Daniel Bryan vs. WWE Champ CM Punk
Winner: Daniel Bryan via DQ
(Chris Jericho breaks up the match. I guess Jericho is gunning for the WWE Title. Well this is better than him not saying shit to the crowd and to the WWE Universe. This was a good PPV match that was fucking wasted because of the DQ from Jericho. This would be the only time ROH would be on WWE TV.)

Match#4: Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz
Winner: Kofi Kingston
(R-Truth comes out to do commentary. He's funny as hell. Oh my god, Little Jimmy was there too. This was a good match but the ending was a bit weird. I though The Miz had this match but Kofi pulls off the Trouble in Paradise for the win.)

Match#5 Divas Championship: Eve Torres vs. Beth Phoenix
Winner: Beth Phoenix
(This was a quick match. Eve was scared because she though Kane was coming for her. Eve lost focus and lost the match. Kane does come out to scare the shit out of her. Super Cena comes out for the save. He damn near kills Kane with the steel steps. This was a good segment but Cena is not going to embrace the hate.)

Ending Segment: Johnny Ace comes out to accept his fate as WWE Raw General Mgr. Triple H comes out to a large pop. After some jokes and some banter, Johnny Ace almost kissed Triple H's ass. Johnny Ace did say he would do anything to keep his job. There was some jokes and some witty banter. Just when Triple H was going to fire Johnny Ace, the Undertaker comes out to a larger pop. Taker wants Triple H one more time at WM 28. Triple H leaves with boos.
(This segment alone is going on my list of holy shit moments of 2012. Taker was on point. Triple H was funny until Taker came out. There are so many questions in this segment but no answers will be answered until weeks later. )

Other Notes: First of all, Mike Tyson in the WWE HOF Celebrity Wing. It's about fucking time because he should have been in over Drew Carey. Second, I am getting sick of the WWE Didn't You Know segments. I feel WWE is bragging and also lying about they got more viewers than whatever. Also tired of the shit with Twitter. Almost all the stars are on Twitter. Why? One big thing that will both upset me and kinda curious about is the WWE Youtube Channel. This is another way for WWE to keep their shit and not allow fans to use their videos. Remember SOPA? WWE was for the bill.

This was a good Raw. All the questions I had were answered and more question were asked tonight. All I have to say is that next week's Raw will be interesting. So will Smackdown this week because most of the questions will be answered. So until Friday, I guess I will be watching to find answers.

Gene The Grappler

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