WWE Raw 2/13/12
Note: This should be a good Raw tonight. The Elimination
Chamber PPV is coming up and the hype is gearing up. I hope this is a great
show even though this is the week for the Dog Show on USA .
I just saw that the Dog Show is on MSNBC so we can watch Raw. Also there are so
much going on to get to WM28 and beyond. So this better get my attention as a
fan. So here goes Raw!
Opening Segment: They start with a video package of Kane/Cena/Eve/Ryder.
Kane is afraid of Kane. So now, Kane is on the Tron saying that he will embrace
the hate. He will make Cena embrace the hate and that someone will be in an
ambulance. We find out that Johnny Ace is back on Raw. Also that Shawn Michaels
is on Raw tonight. Jerry Lawler is in the ring for a debate with the guys in
the Elimination Chamber match (CM Punk, Y2J, Kofi, The Miz, R-Truth, Ziggler). So
Johnny Ace and his boyfriend Otunga comes out to interrupt Punk. Punk promises
no violence. Then he makes fun of Johnny Ace getting his job back on Raw. Dolph
is next but Vicki talks first. The crowd is loud so you barely can't hear him. R-Truth
says he would trade Vicki and Dolph for a box of spiders and Hornswoggle. The
Miz is next and he takes pot shots at the others. Kofi steps up and he comes hard
like a G. Jericho is last and he
does what he do best.....outshine the others in the ring. Jericho
calls out Punk. Punk reminds Jericho
was on Dancing With The Stars. Kofi kicks Jericho .
The End!
(What the fuck? Is WWE trying to be political? Anyways, R-Truth
is the funniest man in WWE aside from Santino. CM Punk is still the man. Kofi
just stepped up into main event status with him stepping up to all the guys. The
Miz is on his way to mid card hell and Dolph and Vicki is right behind him. this
was a good way to start Raw. R-Truth as a heel or a face is still funny as fuck.)
Match#1: Kofi Kingston vs. Chris Jericho
Winner: Jericho
(This was a good match. Lots of aerial moves and both
finishers were hit by both. This made me want to see more high flyers and lucha
libre but I forget that this is WWE not TNA. So this was a good opening match
for both men. Even though Jericho
is a main eventer not in mid card hell, and Kofi is going to get out of mid
card hell in this match. This was good. Not great but good.)
We see HBK and Triple H backstage. They hug and talk.
(This is good to see. I will comment on this when we hear
from HBK. He's not fishing with Cole.)
We see Cena talking to Ryder. He's there to see Eve. Cena
will get Eve while he stays put. Cena also says that Kane is on the
loose and that he will hurt Ryder to get to Cena.
(So Cena is officially a broski to Ryder? WTF Bro! Also why
is Ryder still rocking the braces like he's hurt. We know he's
not hurt. Are you serious, bro? So we got Cena running to
get Eve and Ryder helpless and Kane will come to get him? That's
some dumbass shit. Oh well he's a gonner! )
Johnny Ace and David Otunga are talking. Otunga convinces
Johnny Ace to do something to be GM for both shows.
(These two men make me sick. I think they need to get a room
for all the ass kissing. He's acting like a dumbass and both need to be bitched
Match#2: Big Show vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Big Show by DQ
(DB comes out to see the match between Orton and Big Show. DB
gets into the ring and ends the match before Orton could pin Big Show. I am so
pissed. I want to see this match but it was ruined by DB. So I am going to end
up seeing this settled at the PPV. Damn DB for being a DB!)
HBK comes out to the crowd. He dances for the crowd. He's
back! The HBK chants are loud on TV. He's back for the WM season. He talks
about Triple H and Taker. He was shocked that Triple H did not accept the match.
He call for Triple H to come down. Triple H comes down with the crowd cheering
him. HBK wants Triple H to say he will accept Taker's challenge. Triple H
repeats what he said last week. Triple H doesn't want to end Taker's career. HBK
basically calls Triple H a sellout because he married Steph and is Vince's son
in law. HBK calls Triple H is a coward. Triple H walks away but he comes back
to yell at HBK. Some insults are said between them. HBK leave Triple H in the
ring. Triple H looks at HBK leaving. Taker's gong hits. We see Taker on the
Tron looking at video of the events of last year and this year. Taker says
again that it is not over. He wants to be immortal.
(Triple H said something that was so true. Taker, HBK and
Triple H are the last of the attitude era. That once Taker retires the era is over.
That's so true because Taker is like Hogan of WWE. He will be immortalized by
his win streak. So I know there will be one more match. I hope it is good. I
want to see Taker go out and go home. Then next year, we get a Mark Calloway
HOF ceremony. We will see. )
Match#3: Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth
Winner: R-Truth
(Ziggler is a pussy. He was showing off and the Truth was
set free. This would have been a great match but thank god R-Truth
made it short and sweet. This was an ok match. Ziggler was
showing off, Vicki was loud as fuck but R-Truth was on his game. Thank god for
Little Jimmy and R-Truth.)
Santino comes in to see Ryder. Ryder asks Santino for love
advice. He gives Ryder some garlic for his breathe.
(This is classic Santino. Full of comedy and full of idiotic
Match#4: Brie Bella vs. Tamina
Winner: Tamina
(Beth Phoenix is at ringside for Tamina vs. Brie Bella. Basically
Beth thinks Tamina is not competition to her Divas Title. Another stare down
with Beth and Tamina. I want to see this
match. I want to see the Divas title actually used and challenged. Unlike TNA
Knockouts, these two Divas can wrestle and can make fans want to see them go at
it. It's time for WWE to use the women as wrestlers or as eye candy. Beth needs
competition. If not Tamina then it should be Kharma. Since Nattie is stuck with
a bad gimmick, someone else is due.)
So they waste time on Raw with The Rock promoting his movie
and WM28. After this we will hear from Cena and see more time wasted hyping the
hell out of this match. John Cena was suppose to do an interview. He's
distracted by Eve screaming and Kane locking her in an ambulance. Kane drives
off without Eve. Eve kisses Cena. Ryder sees the kiss.
(Soap Opera drama is in the air with WWE. Will Eve go to
Cena? Will Ryder hate Cena? Will Kane try to take Eve again? These question and
so many more will be answered in the next episode of WWE of our lives. Are you
serious bro? WTF! Actually Eve can kiss but Cena look like he was not expecting
it. I wish I could have been Cena to get that kiss. Sorry, got distracted by Eve.)
Eve and Ryder are talking backstage. Eve explains that she
was caught in the moment. She kissed Cena. She wants him as a friend. Eve dumps
(Poor Zack Ryder! He got dumped by Eve. Even though they
were not together. Is this part of Kane's plan? Is Kane doing soap opera
storylines now? So what is going on with this and how does Cena plan on facing
the Rock?)
Match#5: The Miz vs. CM Punk (Non-Title)
Winner: CM Punk via Anaconda Vice
(CM Punk is the best of WWE Raw. The Miz is ok but he's
going back to mid card hell. This was a good match. I love the action but know
that the PPV will see some crazy bumps and other cool shit. So we know that
Punk is not going to come out champ but he will come out a legend. We will see.)
Main Event: John Cena comes out to apologize to Zack Ryder
about the kiss that happened with Eve. Cena figures out the diabolical plan of
Kane. He said he will have no choice but to embrace the hate. Cena starts
preaching that he will rise above the hate. He tells Kane and everyone he's not
a punk. Cena says he will adpated and overcome the hate. Zack Ryder comes out
to talk to Cena. Cena apologizes but Zack slaps him. Cena almost hits Ryder but
doesn't. Kane is on the Tron. Kane says that Cena embraced the hate. He will
beat him this sunday at the PPV. Kane pushes Ryder off the ramp. Cena and Eve
with others comes to see if Zack is ok. The show ends with Ryder being taken
out in a stretcher.
(Most of this segment was focused on Zack being pissed and
upset. I will give props to Zack because he did a better job than Cena and Eve.
He not only had to take a bump but also act hurt. Cena is about to be over and
done with. Kane is about to go out on top. Even Zack is about to get a bump out
of mid card hell. The ending was shocking but getting old. Zack is going to get
killed doing these bumps. Well that's the end of the show.)
Final Thoughts: Well Raw was full of ups and downs. We saw
some good matches but the soap opera drama with Cena/Kane/Eve/Ryder is going to
clog up the show. We saw all the guys in the PPV in matches that could have
been better but we get shortened matches. We also did see one diva match. We
need more diva matches. We also did not see much of anyone outside of people in
the PPV. So I am going to bed with the though that Ryder is damn near going to
be crippled from all these bumps. So see you all for Impact.......
Gene The Grappler
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