
WWE Raw Review 5/7/12

Note: This should be a interesting Raw. No Brock and Cena is not in action. This might be good or bad. Here's WWE Raw.

Opening Segment: CM Punk and Johnny Ace have words in the ring. Johnny Ace shows his accomplishments while wrestling in Japan. CM Punk basically disrespects Johnny Ace.
(This was a good segment because you learn more about Johnny Ace’s accomplishments. CM Punk is still the man in WWE. This is how you start a WWE show. Just get to the point and move on. That’s real people power. )

Match#1: Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes
Winner: Big Show by Count Out
(Big Show can do a good impersonation of Johnny Ace. This was a good match to start the show. I still think these men can have a good match. David and Goliath with a twist but the ending sucked. Total heel move on Cody’s part. )

Match#2: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston
Winner: Ziggler
(This was a good match. Dolph is a show off. I am becoming a fan of DZ. Kofi is happy to have a partner that is not getting high or is gone. This was a good match only because of the interactions in and out the ring.)

Match#3: Divas Champion Layla and Kelly Kelly vs. Natalya and Maxine
Winners: Divas Champion Layla and Kelly Kelly
(Beth was at ringside but I loved the match itself. Sorry but I am finding myself watching Divas matches more because it’s been getting good now. What is making me like it more is that we got more women wrestling not models. )

Match#4: Chris Jericho and Alberto Del Rio vs. World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus and Randy Orton
Winners: Chris Jericho and Alberto Del Rio
(I loved this match because it gave RKO some better completion. Shemus is the man but RKO is going to get another title push ASAP. The ending was epic but after the match was even better for fans of all the men involved. OMG, I have faith with WWE for the WHC. )

Match#5: Brodus Clay vs. The Miz
Winner: Brodus Clay
(Nothing can be said about this match. The Miz is in mid card hell and Brodus in a pawn in Vince’s sick game of life. Moving on.)

In the ring…….: Paul Heyman comes back to WWE to represent Brock Lesnar.
(Holy shit! Paul E. comes back to WWE. As a ECW mark, I am happy to see him. I don’t care about this angle or storyline. I am happy to see him back for a second. I cannot wait for Paul E. to show these motherfuckers why he’s the best manager and mouthpiece ever!)

Main Event: CM Punk vs. Lord Tensai and Daniel Bryan
Winners: Lord Tensai and Daniel Bryan
(This was a bullshit match! I would have rather watched Bobby Roode vs. James Storm. This was only because Punk dissed Johny Ace. The match was ok but not good to end the show. )

Final Thoughts: Other than seeing Paul E. come back to WWE TV, this show was ok but I wished for more matches and less talk. Loved the Divas match. Would love to see more NXT people come to Raw or Smackdown more often. Time to do more and not fuck over the fans. See you all for TNA Impact.

Gene The Grappler

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