
WWE Smackdown Review 7/20/12

Note: This is the show before WWE Raw 1000. I hope there is lots of hype and lots of talking about it. Also happy to see AJ marrying Bryan. That's some dumb bullshit. With that said, here's WWE Smackdown.

Opening Segment: Rey and Sheamus/ADR and Dolph have war of words. The main event is ADR/DZ vs. Sheamus and Rey.
(This might be interesting. I hope this is going to be good. I know WWE loves to fuck up their main events or worse make matches with bad endings. )

Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Hunico and Camacho vs. Primo, Epico, R-Truth and Kofi Kingston
Winners: Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Hunico and Camacho
(I did not care too much for this match because I am not a fan of the heels. Plus not trying to say more on this match because I hated it. )

Damien Sandow vs. Zack Ryder
Winner: Damien Sandow
(Poor Zack......This was sad to see Zack Ryder job to this guy. I just hate seeing Zack get fucked over. Damien is a prissy guy. I will leave it like that. )

Kane defeated Daniel Bryan
Winner: Kane by DQ
(I love watching Kane and DB wrestle. I hated the ending of this match. I really think WWE hates to make a clean match on TV. I also think that WWE wants to push dumb ass angles like AJ/DB getting married. )

Road Warrior Animal vs.  Heath Slater
Winner: Road Warrior Animal
(Nice to see Animal wrestle. I miss the Road Warriors. Nice to have a guy like Slater to job to the old men. Other than that, I cannot wait to see Raw 1000th. )

Main Event: Rey Mysterio and Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio
Winners: Rey and Sheamus by DQ
(My point was proven tonight. This match could have ended cleanly. We got a fucked up ending and we now move to Raw 1000th.  )

Final Thoughts: Raw will be three hours. Oh joy. So half of Smackdown will be on there. So I am not going to wait my time and just move on and get ready for the clusterfuck of Raw 1000th. May god have mercy on our souls. Holy shit, business is about to pick up.

Gene The Grappler


  1. Thanks for the great Smackdown review, Gene. Working late nights at DISH on Fridays I have to miss the show as it airs, so I go to the free section of DISHOnline.com to get caught up. I just watched Fridays Smackdown and I noticed a lot of filler. I guess WWE Creative will be pulling out all the stops for Raw 1000; leaving very little for Smackdown this week. Sandows’ domination of Ryder was entertaining and I enjoyed seeing the return of Road Warrior Animal but over all this was a pretty lame episode.

    1. Well thank you for that. I know I am short and to the point with my reviews but I try to show that wrestling is about the matches not the drama.
