Note: Last week's WWE Raw was bad. So bad that I actually missed John Cena. So bad that this week, Vince McMahon is on this show tonight. Holy shit, it is about to get real and fucking live this week. Also, as much as I missed Cena, I wish Lawler will come back. I think WWE is going to hell but I hope it is going to change soon. Here's WWE Raw.........
Opening Segment: John Cena comes out. He recaps the events of last week and current events. He gets a loud pop. Challenges CM Punk to a match at Hell in a Cell. As he leaves, Ryback comes out.
Match#1: Ryback vs. Epico and Primo
Winner: Ryback
(This was a good way to start the show. Ryback did stare off Cena but we all know that Ryback could take out Cena, Punk, and even Orton in a handicap match. This was a squash match but a good squash match. Holy shit, business has started to pick out. Ryback is a beast.)
Match#2: Brodus Clay vs. R-Truth
Winner: No One
(What the fuck did I just see? Little Jimmy is going through puberty? What the fuck? Also why did Brodus go along with this shit. Also why did Vince just make this segment longer and worse? Wow, I think I just snapped. I think I lost my motherfucking mind on this segment.)
The State of The WWE: Vince McMahon comes out and list what makes the WWE entertaining. Including R-Truth, Brodus Clay, Sin Cara, Big Show and others. CM Punk and Paul Heyman comes out to interrupt the chairman. CM Punk basically goes off on Vince and slaps him and leaves. Vince gets up and challenges CM Punk to a match.
(Where to begin? CM Punk just got my respect and attention. Vince is about to go apeshit on CM Punk. WWE is about to show us either this is not for kids or this is about the ratings. Either way, I just got a new respect for the WWE as a whole.)
Match#3: Prime Time Players vs. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio - Tag Team Tournament Match
Winners: Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio
(This was kind of a let down. I wanted the PTP to win. This is not a fair match anyways. I think this is not going to help with seeing Sin Cara and Rey one on one. I guess I am disappointed with this match.)
Match#4: Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus
Winner: Sheamus by DQ
(Tensai comes out to get Sheamus back for what happened on Smackdown. Sheamus comes back but Big Show take him out the ring. This was a good match. Sad to see it end by DQ but then again this was a good way to set up Big Show and Sheamus. So this was a good thing as a whole.)
Match#5: Tyson Kidd vs. Antonio Cesaro
Winner: Antonio Cesaro
(I am not a big fan of either guys. I though this was a so so match. This did fill the gap in time between something better and the main event. I don't think Cesaro is a good champ. I really thing the US title is a joke because the guy supposed to be a Swiss guy. I hope someone better wins this title soon.)
Match#6: Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio vs. Team Hell No! (Kane and Daniel Bryan)
Winner: Team Hell No! (Kane and Daniel Bryan)
(This was a crazy match. I loved this match. I guess WWE will be doing more to get their tag teams going. Thank you WWE for that action. I cannot wait to see what happens next. ADR was good. DZ was still the show off and can sell anything. This was a good thing for the fans.)
Match#7: Santino Marella and Zack Ryder vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow - Tag Team Tournament Match
Winners: Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow)
(This was a good match. I just wished the other team won. I think this would have been better off on the Wednesday show. Also why did the three jobbers come in to kill this match? WTF! I think mid card hell is opening up and the gates are overloaded with jobbers.)
Match#8: Eve vs. Kaitlin - WWE Divas Title Match
Winner: Eve
(Ok, I don't know where to begin. Layla was doing color commentary. I don't like Eve faking to be good. I don't like Layla talking at all. I hate that Kaitlin was screwed out of this title. This is bullshit, just total bullshit. Also I think that we need to go back to the women's title because the divas are leaving to go to Hollywood.)
Main Event: CM Punk vs. Mr. McMahon
Winner: Mr. McMahon with help from Ryback and John Cena
(This was a throw back to the Attitude Era. This was filled with hardcore elements and also blood. Vince was busted open. There was blood. PG went out the door at the end of the show. This was not a real match but this counts for me because I am happy to see something exciting at the end of the show. Ryback and Cena helped the chairman. Vince gave Punk a choice to face Cena or Ryback. Thank you Vince!!!!!!)
Final Thoughts: Well I guess WWE raised the bar to fix last week's mess. Even though the fucking cameras were shaking most of the show. Also we had bad commentating from Michael Cole and some horrible choices to have Larry King on live. I know WWE Raw was in California but wow. I think WWE Raw did right through most of the show. I am happy to see a good WWE Raw show. See you all for TNA Impact and the final show before Bound For Glory.
Gene The Grappler
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