
WWE Super Smackdown Review 11/6/12

Note#1: Even though this was taped and being played in the USA live as a substitute for watching wall to wall election coverage, this is going to be better than watching this on Friday. Sad though because I will see watch the replay on Friday. Also, last night's WWE Raw was better but I found it funny that there was no mocking the 2012 elections. I guess Linda did not want that shit to affect her campaign. I hope if she does not win that WWE loses the kid friendly shit and gives up some violence. With that said, here's WWE Smackdown on Tuesday Night..........

Note#2: There will be no WWE Main Event results because Smackdown was shown before the Main Event show. Basically this week will be free from doing that part of the review.

Opening Segment: Michael Cole is in the ring and out comes Sheamus. They show the footage of Sheamus and William Regal in a local pub before Big Show attacked them. Sheamus calls Show out but he appears on the big screen. Wade Barrett comes out and taunts Sheamus.
(No comment..........Just no comment.)

Match#1: Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz - Intercontinental Title Match
Winner: Kofi Kingston
(This is weird to see an actual title match on TV. I have said both these men need to be in the main event level. Both these guys should not be stuck in mid card hell. IC title use to be the work horse title. That means the title is a good thing for those who want to be WWE champ. The Miz was WWE champ. I liked him as that. Kofi needs to get out of mid card hell. So these guys match was great. After Kofi KOed Miz a couple weeks ago, this has been a feud of the year candidate. )

Match#2: Darren Young and Titus O'Neil vs. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio
Winners: Prime Time Players
(Same stupid match but tired of the results. I am just sick of seeing Rey and Sin Cara as a team. Prime Time Players are not my problem. Those guys still got some time to make an impact in WWE. However, Sin Cara and Rey need to face each other. I am tired of this feud because technically this is a mismatch. With that said, moving on because I am tired of this shit.)

Match#3: Wade Barrett & The Big Show vs. Sheamus & William Regal
Winners: Wade Barrett and Big Show
(I loved seeing Regal actually used on TV. Why is he not used more? I forgot he is on NXT. That's actually a good thing. This was a good match but the issue I had was the setup. Big Show attacks them at a pub. Really? Also, not a fan of Big Show calling Sheamus a ginger. I think ginger is a derogatory word. The match as a whole was good and it did make the feud between Sheamus and Big Show more relevant. This should have been the main event.)

Main Event: Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio - Fall Count Anywhere
Winner: RKO
(First of all, why was this the main event? The champ was not in this match. Nor was the man who wants to take the title. I have said that this feud is getting stale for me. ADR is losing his appeal to me. RKO should be heel. I also think RR needs to be on his own. Basically this match went on too long for me and also I was too busy avoiding election results. So I guess this is lost on me.)

Final Thoughts: First of all, this is an election night in the U.S. I found it hilarious that WWE did not do a show in the U.S. Also we all know that Vince's wife is running for senate. So most of this show was lost on me because I was obsessing on this funny fact. Also why England? Canada and England are like bizzarro land. They were supporting guys that us Americans don't support. This was weird to watch. I am going to calm down and get ready for TNA. So see you all for TNA Impact.

Gene The Grappler

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