
WWE Smackdown Review 1/4/13

Note: This is not the official WWE Smackdown of 2013. This was taped in 2012. This is a sham of a show. According to one of my close people via facebook, this was a shitty show. Well I guess Gene The Grappler is going to be like the Nostalgia Critic of shitty wrestling shows between TNA and WWE. So I am going to watch this and hope I don't go HAM on this show. Here's WWE Smackdown.........

Opening Segment: Showdown with Sheamus, Randy Orton, Antonio Cesaro, and Big Show. All four men are in a match at the end of the show.
(Well this is ok to a point. Even though we will be seeing Big Show and Sheamus in a match. However, I hope with RKO and Cesaro involved this might be different. I hope.)

Match#1: Heath Slater vs. The Miz
Winner: The Miz
(Where to begin with this match? Why am I seeing The Miz in a jobber match? Why is 3MB still together? This match have more questions than answers. I am not a fan of this boy band jobber team. I also think it is time to see The Miz headline WM. The match was a clinic because The Miz needed the boost.)

Match#2: Natalya, Hornswoggle and The Great Khali vs. Primo, Epico and Rosa Mendes
Winners: Natalya, Hornswoggle and The Great Khali
(I want my five minutes back. What the fuck did I just see? This was bad. I am fucking speechless.)

Match#3: Wade Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston - IC Title Match
Winner:  Wade Barrett
(The match on WWE Raw was good. This was not. This could have been saved for Royal Rumble. I know we will see this at Royal Rumble. This was not as good as Monday night. I only say that because of the pace. It was not as fast as it was on Monday. This was more paced out. So I guess this feud will not be over for a while.)

Match#4: Tamina Snuka vs. Layla El
Winner:  Tamina Snuka
(I wanted to watch this match as is. I did watch this match as is. However, since there was no Kaitlyn, my attention was on Layla. I think she is ok as a wrestler but she is more of a model. She's hot. Tamina is hot as well but for a different reason. This was not a good match. However, it was good eye candy.)

Main Event: Randy Orton & Sheamus vs. The Big Show & Antonio Cesaro
Winners: RKO and Sheamus
(I think Teddy and Booker needs to stop doing tag matches as main events. This was more of a setup. I did liked that RKO is showing signs of a heel turn. Sheamus and Big Show still are feuding but RKO in the mix is helping me watch this more. Cesaro was just wasted. Good. Time to show that he is not a main eventer. Good match though for the setup for Royal Rumble.)

Final Thoughts: My friend was right - this show sucked. Five fucking matches? What the fuck? RKO and Sheamus basically was the show. This was taped before the new year. So this shit needs to be filed with 2012. I guess I will hope that the actual first WWE RAW of 2013 will be great. See you all for the return of The Rock.

Gene The Grappler

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