Opening Segment: Dance off with Fandango and Chris Jericho
(This was bullshit......Moving on. )
Match#1: Ryback vs. Zack Ryder
Winner: Ryback
(Well I think that it is time to say goodbye to Ryder because it is apparent that WWE is jobbing him out. Seeing this match was like a man beating the shit out of a mule. This was so bad that I had to change channels to avoid this ass whooping. I said my peace about Ryback. It is apparent that WWE has a new Goldberg. Moving on…..)
Match#2: Darren Young and Titus O'Neil vs. Tensai and Brodus Clay
Winners: Darren Young and Titus O'Neil
(I laughed my ass off seeing this match. You mean PTP finally won instead of jobbing to someone else. This was so bad that I literally watch this match without sound. You mean to tell me that WWE allowed PTP to win a match. Wow, the world is coming to an end. )
Match#3: Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: Kofi Kingston
(This was a classic midcard match. I mean this flowed so well that I watched this again because it was so smooth to watch. This was a match that could have gone either way. Especially since both men should be in the main event. This could be setup for a WHC match. This actually was the best match of the night. )
Match#4: Antonio Cesaro vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Randy Orton
(So this is what I call SSDD storyline. I have seen this before. I know who will win. Cesaro is jobbing. No more push for Cesaro. RKO is back in the midcard. Geez that’s bad to say because it is rare to see a guy go backwards. Whatever……)
Match#5: The Miz vs. Heath Slater
Winner: The Miz
(Miz needs to go back to using the skill crushing finale as a finisher. Everytime he uses the figure four it pisses me off. We all know that he cannot do it like Ric Flair. 3MB is three jobbers with a shitty gimmick. Moving the fuck on……..)
Match#6 - Elimination Match: John Cena, Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. The Shield
Winner: John Cena by DQ
(The memes of John Cena are so true that it makes me sick. However, this is SSDD times ten. Why? It is because we saw this match before. The only thing different is that I guess Cena’s Achilles’ heel is better now. This was good but when it was The Shield against Cena, it got old and stale. Thank god they at least powerbomb Cena. )
Winner: Jack Swagger by Count Out
(This was a match voted by using the WWE App. Well this was a good match to vote on. This match was better on WWE Raw because we at least saw a match. I am pissed that the WHC will not be defended because Ziggler is out with a concussion. I hated that Swagger could not beat Big E without pinning him. )
Match#8: Natalya vs. AJ Lee
Winner: AJ Lee
(I had to watch this match on mute because The Bellas are annoying. I wanted to watch this match and enjoy it because it is rare to see AJ Lee wrestle. I guess this was a good match but then again it is rare to see a good divas match. AJ’s finisher was sick because it did not end with a boring move. Wow, good divas match on WWE is rare. )
Main Event: Triple H/Brock Lesnar confrontation before the PPV
(I am going to be honest and say that this was a good way to end the show. However, I took a muscle relaxer prior to this confrontation. So I was basically falling asleep during this. We all know that both men can fight, wrestle, and basically make a match seem interesting. The ending was cool because it reminded me of the old school cage matches. )
Gene The Grappler
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