
WWE Smackdown Review 6/7/13

Note: Well after seeing a decent but shaky TNA Impact, it is time for WWE Smackdown to end the week and also gear up for the new PPV of WWE called Payback. Most people remember when Smackdown was the real B show with good storylines and better wrestling. Some people think Smackdown is a recap show with repeated matches and also a glimmer of new talent. I think Smackdown is still a seperate entity. Even though Cena or anyone that works Mondays would work Smackdown. Anyway, here's WWE Smackdown...........

Opening Segment: The Miz and MizTV with guests - Kane, Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton.
(Where to begin with this shit? Well I guess I am not surprised that this angle with DBry seeking respect is close to CM Punk's seach for respect. Except CM Punk had my respect prior to his title run. DBry is not the weak link. He's about to go HAM on people and I know it is going to lead to seeing an epic match with Cena for the title. Also RKO looks like he's going to be heel soon. Kane might be done with DBry but I hope Team Hell No makes it out of the summer. )

Match#1: Curtis Axel vs. Chris Jericho
Winner: Curtis Axel
(Well I think it is sad to see Joe Henning become something of a joke. As I watch this match, I tried to see if his father would like this. He would not. This would have been a better match if this was for something. This was more so to gain heat for the match with Y2J and CM Punk at the PPV. The ending was funny because people there assumed that CM Punk would be on Smackdown. Silly kids, CM Punk is only on Raw. )

Match#2: Kane vs. Ryback
Winner: Kane by DQ
(This would have been a good match if this was total bullshit. Ryback is going to be facing Cena at the PPV this weekend. We all know that Ryback is going to make statements until the PPV. Kane was just another victim of this dumb feud. Plus Ryback is not making it safe to have a match with. Everytime Ryback uses a table, someone get injured. Ugh.......moving on. )  

Match#3: Fandango vs. Zack Ryder
Winner: Fandango
(So why was this on TV? We all know that Fanshimpo is Vince's man crush of the week. We all know that Fanda.......oh is going to be an IC champion soon. This match was pointless. However, thank god Fandizho got injured during this week. So Vince must be looking for a new man crush.)

Main Event: Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns
Winners: Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan by DQ
(I am so glad this was the main event. This was a good match. DBry went HAM on The Shield. This match had action, suspense, chills and thrills. I did not care about the ending because I saw it coming. Also was not surprise to see RKO show signs of a heel turn. So happy for that as well. )

Final Thoughts: For once, the end of the show was better than the actual show. I was happy to see this week's Smackdown end with something better than a recap of WWE Raw. Thank you WWE for this short blessing. All I can say is that this might have been the sunshine in the mess of a week. See you all for WWE Raw. I might have to use the WWE App to actually watch Raw so I can catch up on real TV.

Gene The Grappler

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