
TNA Impact Review 9/19/13

Note: Well last week was a PPV on TV from TNA. I am not a fan of this but I think it is because TNA is having money issues. I think if TNA wants to be a real wrestling promotion then it needs to travel but travel to more places and use the TV time to do more live shows. Stop going off of the old WCW playbook! This show should be interesting because AJ Styles is going to do something crazy. Also we will see Dixie Carter on TV. Hopefully after last week, the Aces and Eights will disband and move on. All I ask for is seeing a X Division Match. At least we get to see a KO Title Match. Here's TNA Impact........

Match#1: Jeff Hardy vs. Manik
Winner:  Jeff Hardy
(This does not count for a X Division Match. Hardy is way out of his league and should have lost this match. This was kind of sad to watch because TNA is making people not want to watch the show. I mean, if you got a division with lightweights and cruiserweights, use it! This was bullshit, plain and simple. )

Match#2: ODB vs. Mickie James (Champion) for the Knockouts Title
Winner : ODB - New KO Champion
(This was a great match for women's wrestling. I love that in TNA women like Gail Kim, Mickie James, and even Tara can come to be better wrestlers unlike WWE with their model wannabe wrestlers. I was shocked to see how this end because something tells me that Mickie James is leaving TNA. If she does, she needs to stay in the indies because if she goes to WWE, they will bury her.)

Match#3: Robbie E vs. Eric Young
Winner:  Eric Young
(Why is EY still in TNA? He is doing more things away from TNA and also making himself more of a creditable person. So why did he come back to TNA? This match was not done right and was a last minute booked match. This happen after ODB won her KO title. Really TNA?)

Match#4: Joseph Park vs. Robbie E
Winner:  Joseph Park
(So after the above match, we get another quick match. Why are we still seeing Joseph Park? So you mean to tell me that Abyss is a myth now? TNA is not PG and can use Abyss again. At least that was a better character than seeing Joseph Park. Also this was longer than the above match. Moving on......)

Match#5: Gunner vs. Hernandez
Winner:  Gunner
(So this was suppose to be a tag match but Chavo is hurt and James Storm wasn't in a fighting mood. However, Gunner was and Hernandez was there. This was a good match until the realization that Gunner is a better wrestler than Hernandez. Also I think Hernandez was better as a heel with LAX. This was a good match but it was hard to watch. Seeing two big men wrestle is odd but cool.)

Main Event: EGO (Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels, and Kazarian) vs. Main Event Mafia (Sting, Magnus, and Samoa Joe)
Winners: Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels, and Kazarian
(So this was setup because EGO jumped Magnus. I can understand that and like to see guys like Kaz, Daniels, and Roode in the main event. I think that with Aces and Eights breaking up, Main Event Mafia should as well. Especially when it gives Sting an excuse to wrestle. He needs to go ASAP. The match was good when Sting was not involved. I was happy to see EGO win because these are the guys that are TNA now. Not Main Event Mafia. )

After The Main Event: AJ Styles comes out to call Dixie Carter. Before she comes out he does his version of a pipebomb about the things Dixie Carter have done with TNA and her daddy's money. He speaks about the whole TNA/MMA connection and other stuff. Dixie Carter comes out and at first she's all apologetic but she flips and becomes heel. She tries to leave but AJ Styles conjoles her back in the ring. She shuts off his mic and the show ends.
(Seeing this was a lot like watching WWE in 2011 with CM Punk doing his pipebomb. This was different because AJ Styles was really hitting on some things that was wrong with TNA. He talked about all the guys that were in TNA like Jay Lethal and Low Ki. He was right about all the MMA guys coming in and disappearing. He cryptical talked about Hogan, Sting, and Eric Bischoff. He was so right with his speech. When Dixie came out, I think she needs to be off TV. She can't act or sell emotion. Her heel turn was more like if she pissed at a maid. The end was so fucking funny that I busted a gut.)

Final Thoughts: Usually, if I don't like a show, you would know it. Did I like this show? I wish I could answer that with a simple yes or no. I was mystified with basically everything that occured. I don't like Jeff Hardy but was stumped as to why Hardy open the show. I was shocked to see ODB won the KO Title but really. Why is EY still with TNA? Why is Abyss a distant memory? What's the point of having a tag match if there was no tag match? The main event was ok but I was lost with everything else. The end was clearly a rip off from WWE with CM Punk and Triple H. See you all for WWE Smackdown. At least that show is clear cut and serves a purpose just not the one I like.

Gene The Grappler

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