
TNA Genesis/Impact Review 1/23/14

Note: So it is time for TNA to shine. Question - Why does this feel more like the actual PPV? That is a simple answer. Even though all of the IWC and other wrestling fans know what is going on tonight, it does feel like last week's show was more so the regular Impact show. Tonight's Genesis PPV on TV is the main course. I will still say that TNA is going down in flames this year. By the way, why is TNA going with a mystery investor? Didn't they do that before? Also, who would want TNA? So let's sit back and watch part two of Genesis PPV on TV(Impact)...

Match#1: Gunner vs. James Storm - Briefcase for a contract to get a TNA World Heavyweight Title Shot
Winner: Gunner
(I will admit that this was very interesting to watch. Seeing that one of these guys can wrestle and the other one barely can. Also it is funny that when AJ Styles left TNA, it left a hole for the guys who been in TNA since day one to go for the main event. Magnus is one of those guys and Gunner is another one. This should have been a win for Storm but I guess we are going to see a possible Magnus/Gunner feud soon. Basically this was a match of second chances and short commings. )

Match#2: Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin - X Division Title Match Winner: Austin Aries - New Champion
(I do love this division of TNA. I feel like they got rid of a lot of guys just to pay off Hogan, Bischoff, and Sting. So the matches have been hit or miss throughout the last year. This feud with Aries and Sabin was ok but could have been better without Velvet Sky. She is a sexy ass woman to look at but she cannot wrestle. She is arm candy. This could have been a shitty match but thank you Velvet Sky for not bring the weapon to the ring. Aries is going to be X Division champion at least until he gets another shot or run as the main eventer/title holder. As for Sabin, well I would hate for him to job to someone who cannot wrestle. )

Match#3: Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode
Winner: Kurt Angle
(Well I will admit that this was a good match but there is one thing that I hated about this match. Why would you do something like not be inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame? Kurt Angle is a good wrestler and same with Bobby Roode. I think this was a good feud and this can be a clear and concise thing for TNA. This wasn't a bullshit angle and this wasn't thrown together at the last minute. I just hope we get to see these men in the main event for a title soon. )

Match#: Samoa Joe vs. Rockstar Spud.
Winner: Samoa Joe
(This was sad to watch. This was like watching Rey Mysterio vs. Brock Lesnar. This was just a jobber killing match. Samoa Joe basically took out the little man in TNA. My god at one point, I was praying for the match to be called. Samoa Joe is a submission machine. I know if I was in the ring with him, I would take the lost in style and fighting. Spud did fight a bit but it was like watching an ant fight an anteater. This was actually good enough to be the match before the main event.  )

Main Event: Magnus vs. Sting - World Heavyweight Title vs. Sting's TNA Contract
Winner: Magnus
(This was a copy and paste match. Just add Sting and his contract. This was like watching Magnus vs. AJ Styles a couple weeks ago. So TNA cannot book a main event without all the heels coming to save Magnus from losing? Also why is it so hard for people to let go of Sting? He was the shit in WCW, he could have went to WWE but came to TNA. By him losing, that means Bully Ray could be next to go. After that, we could have mostly TNA originals in the company doing things for the company. Also please bear in mind that I don't hate Sting but feel he is a lot like Hogan. At least Hogan isn't trying to wrestle anymore. This was a cut and dry match. )

Final Thoughts: Well we found out that starting next week, TNA is overseas in England. So we got maybe two or three weeks of shows in Magnus' home country. That's good in a way because Canada and England are bizzaro land when it comes to wrestling. As for this show, like I said, this was the actual PPV on TV. I knew watching the main event was like watching the same thing from weeks ago. One thing about the internet and wrestling is that when guys leave a company we know about it before the show. So AJ Styles is in Ring of Honor. There are rumors that Sting will make an appearance in WWE. Hogan is going to make an appearance at Wrestlemania 30. So the question is why is TNA still in business? We will see what TNA can do before going down. WCW did the same thing prior to being sold to WWE. Why do you think we got the epic showdown with Shane and Vince McMahon? Will we see Vince take out TNA or someone else? Until then, we can enjoy the ride. See you all for WWE Smackdown...

Gene The Grappler

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