
WWE Raw Review 5/19/14

Note: Last week went from so so to just plain aweful. I mean little hype was done to let people know that WWE was going to be in Europe this week. I think it is weird that WWE goes to Europe and have good crowds but when TNA does it, they act like the world loves them. Personally, I think wrestling overseas is a good thing to a point. I feel like it is pointless to cater to the crowd. In the States, it is good to cater to them but overseas it is better to just wrestle and showcase the talent. So here we go with WWE Raw from London, England.

Match#1: Cesaro vs. Sheamus - Non Title Match
Winner: Cesaro
(First of all, this is a rare case of where this title is pointless outside of the States. I know this was a non title match but the thing that really bothers me. As much as I like Sheamus and think he is going to do more with the US Title than Ambrose but the thing is that having the US title is like having toilet paper around your waste. We all know that most of the WCW titles aren't worth shit. As for this match, it was just ok because it was brutal and quick. Sheamus is better as a heel but Cesaro is better without a mouthpiece. Good way to start the show. )

Match#2: Big E vs. Ryback - Beat The Clock Challenge for the #1 Contendership at the IC Title
Winner: Big E - 5 minutes and 2 seconds
(I have an issue with these challenges because of how short these matches are. I hate quick matches unless it is a cruiserweight match. These men barely made this match quick. We all know that Ryback is known for hurting guys even though lately he has not been hurting anyone. As for Big E, well he is the former champion and without the title he is basically back to either jobbing to guys or killing other jobbers. This match was ok but the standard was set too low. )

Match#3: R-Truth and Cameron vs. Layla and Fandango
Winners: No Contest
(I will admit that I changed channels because of Fandango. I might be wrong with who was the female he had with him in this tag team match. Nothing against R-Truth, Cameron or Naomi but it is time for the black people to get new gimmicks. Time to drop the hip hop shit. As for Summer Rae and Layla, that might be more interesting especially since Layla is a better dancer but neither cannot wrestle. )

Match#4: Rusev vs. Heath Slater
Winner: Rusev
(All I cared about or wanted to see was Lana and that sexy body she has. I don't care what was going on in the ring, she was the main attraction. Plus, I did not care that 3MB changed to the Union Jacks or that Rusev could take all three men out in one match. All I could care about is how sexy Lana is. Moving on....)

Match#5: Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam - Beat The Clock Challenge for the #1 Contendership at the IC Title
Winner: RVD - 4 minutes and 15 seconds
(So if you though the earlier match was interesting, this was better. I will admit that RVD in the mid card is a joke because he is a main eventer. He is one of a few men that held all the titles in WWE. He is the only WWE/ECW Champion ever. So why is he a mid carder? Because Triple H is in the main event and thinks he is a jobber with a cool gimmick. As for ADR, well we all know he is gone by August. So this is just a goodbye tour for him. This match was good and the bar was set lower because this was an actual match that ended rather quickly. )

Match#6: Seth Rollins vs. Batista
Triple H - Special Ring Announcer
Randy Orton - Special Timekeeper
Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns - Special Commentators
Winner: Seth Rollins by DQ
(This was the match of the night. I will claim that now because it was good regardless of the ending. You had a good match in the ring and a better brawl outside the ring. I love hearing Ambrose and Reigns on commentary because Ambose is the new Piper and Reigns is that damn cool. The ending setoff the brawl and we saw The Shield standing tall.  )

Match#7: Alicia Fox vs. Paige - Non Title Match
Winner: Alicia Fox
(I love Paige but hate Alicia Fox. So I changed the channel. Paige is still champion but Fox is a waste of talent in the ring. NEXT!!!!)

Match#8: Mark Henry vs. Dolph Ziggler - Beat The Clock Challenge for the #1 Contendership at the IC Title
Winner: Clock Ran Out
(This would have been a better match if it ended with a winner. I will admit that anyone facing Mark Henry is not going to make this a quick match. Ziggler might have lost the match but RVD won the challenge. However, Bad News Barrett reminded him that he is the IC Champion. My question is why does the IC Title contenders get matches like this but the US title contenders had to do a battle royal? Time to end the show.  )

Main Event: John Cena vs. Luke Harper
Winner: John Cena by DQ
(SSDD from WWE. No Champion on WWE TV so we get the next best thing. Except this was so bad and boring that I just gave up watching this match. So I already figured that this was going to end bad for Cena. Plus we all know that this is setting up the match with Cena and Wyatt at the PPV. Time to end this review. )

Final Thoughts: So am I getting bored with WWE or is WWE having issues with entertaining fans? I am not a kid so I am not going to use that as an excuse. I am an adult watching this and see that most of the show was good but a couple matches does not make a good show. The crowd did make this more interesting but then again, most of the chants were geared towards showing how bored they were. Well it did not help that this show was taped and most of the results were shared to everyone. What do you expect when you are outside the U.S.? See you all for another taped episode of TNA Impact....

Gene The Grappler


WWE Smackdown Review 5/16/14

Note: So as we saw last night, TNA basically rushed a title match and also a new heel. I have been more critical with WWE than TNA because most of the decisions in WWE are not as rushed as TNA. Seeing that this is the last show in the U.S. before WWE goes overseas to England. So usually when WWE go overseas they have to make their shows interesting to watch while in England and other places. The sad thing is that without a champion on the show, it is going to be difficult to have something else to focus on. It is the last WWE Smackdown show in the U.S.

Match#1: Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. The Usos
Winners: Cody Rhodes and Goldust
(Do I want to see Cody go back to being a heel? Yup. He is better as a heel plus he is one of a few guys that can transition from being a face to heel without missing a beat. Most people agree with me when I say that Goldust vs. Cody should have happen during Wrestlemania but it did not. So we will see it before SummerSlam. As for The Usos, well they do need some competition because the WWE tag team division is getting weak again. )

Match#2: Heath Slater vs. El Torito
Winner: El Torito
(Ladies and gentleman, this is officially the worst match of 2014. Hands down, this is my nomination for shittiest match ever for this year. This is close to being the worse thing WWE put on TV since the Eugene character. My god, this was so bad that I did not watch it. I put the TV on mute and decided to hope for the best. My god, I was so fucking wrong. Moving on...)

Match#3: Natalya vs. Nikki Bella
Eva Marie - Special Guest Referee
Winner: Nikki Bella
(This was shit with a side of what the fuck. This is officially a botchamania match. This had so many that I with the editing for this show would have fixed it. Add to this match was Eva Marie who is a sexy woman but she cannot wrestle and now cannot even be a good referee. I felt sorry for Natalya because she had to job to a Bella. Also because she actually was trying to savage the match. NEXT!!!!!!!!)

Match#4: Batista vs. Dolph Ziggler
Winner: Dolph Ziggler by DQ
(This match was like watching a football player beat up a cool kid. I am going to just say this match was a message for The Shield. Batista did what he is suppose to do. Sorry Ziggler for seeing you get beat bad.)

Match#5: Santino Marella vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: Santino Marella
(He came, he beat the genius, he left. Santino is the man. As for Damien Sandow, well he has officially became the new midcarder to challenge the authority. He is being silenced and is now fighting to speak his mind. I rather watch that then this match. Moving on....)

Match#6: R-Truth vs. Cesaro
Winner: Cesaro
(Yawn, Cesaro needs a new challenger. Maybe Big E or Mark Henry. This was boring. Time for the main event. )

Main Event: John Cena vs. Erick Rowan
Winner: John Cena
(Typical Cena match. What else can be said. Ending the review now....)

Final Thoughts: Wow, this show was just as bad as watching TNA. This is suppose to be the show to have people talking while the WWE is in England all next week. This was just boring. Most of the show was just rehashed things from WWE Raw. I mean this was trying to be good during the first hour but it went down hill. I am tired and done. I will just end this review and see you all for WWE Raw from England.

Gene The Grappler


TNA Impact Review 5/15/14

Note: Last week, I think I might have lost my edge with TNA. I mean you made a good face turn heel because TNA is dumb. Rather than make MVP a heel, he could have stayed face or had someone else be the heel at first. Last week was basically shitty to me. So with that said, this is going to be a better week. I remind myself that I don't try to remember last week because this week is better. I know that is an optimistic thing to say being a wrestling fan but WWE and TNA makes it hard most weeks. So I will pray this is going to be a good week and hope for the best. Here we go with TNA Impact....

Match#1: Willow vs. Bram and Magnus
Winner: Willow
(I will ignore Willow because I am not a fan of Jeff Hardy or his new gimmick. I want to talk about Bram and Magnus. This is very confusing because this is like a childhood friend trying to help a friend get his groove back. The fucked up thing is that this is a rushed storyline. We all know that Magnus losing the title was good for TNA. However, it put him in the mid card way too quick. I guess if this is going to continue then we need more information on Bram and we need to know if Magnus will become a face or stay a heel. )

Match#2: Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky
Winner: Gail Kim
(I was excited to see this match get setup but then I had to over think this match. First of all, Gail Kim is the queen bee in TNA. She have done it all and can retire in WWE. However, she is better off in TNA with what she has to face. As much as I love seeing Gail Kim wrestle, this match was not her fault. I am not a fan of The Beautiful People. I think these women suck as wrestlers. This was good for me but not good for most fans. Moving on...)

Match#3: Kazarian vs. Crazzy Steve
Winner: Kazarian
(So you mean to tell me that Daniels left but Kaz has to job to newbies? Even though he won because the dumb ass pulled down a referee's pants but still. This is not worth my time or worth yours to even think about this match. NEXT!!!!!!)

Match#4: Mr. Anderson vs. James Storm
Winner: James Storm
(Well on one hand this was a good match but it was a weird good. I want to know if I miss the storyline or was this a last minute match. This was a good match but no build up to it. Maybe I missed it. I think it is sad that Anderson can do good work in TNA but would end up in the hospital in WWE because of the all the stress. Hopefully, this match will build to a better storyline.)

Match#5: DJ Z vs. Tigre Uno vs. Sanada - X Division Title Match
Winner: Sanada
(This match was awesome. I love X Division matches. I think more matches are needed for this division. Same goes with the other titles in TNA. This was so good that I overlooked that DJ Z was barely able to keep up with the real stars of this match. Sanada is a true Japanese wrestler. Tigre Uno is a true Luchador. Most of this match was a rematch with the better wrestlers and DJ Z was just trying to cheat to win. I wish we see more matches in the X Division. Hopefully......)

Main Event: MVP vs. Eric Young - TNA World Championship Title Match
Winner: Eric Young
(I will admit that this was a confusing match. Not because it was for the title. Not because of the abrupt heel turn of MVP. It was because of the grouping of MVP, Kenny King and Bobby Lashley. So you basically are trying to have a black heel group in TNA. Why? Also what is going to happen when this ends. Will MVP act like Dixie and have the power go to his head. Basically, this match was weird and hopefully TNA will make time to explain this storyline a bit more. Time to end the review. )

Final Thoughts: It is hard to emote feelings and what should be done in a blog review. I mean this show was suppose to be better. Better is a strong word to use with TNA because it is hard to be positive with TNA. This show was just as bad as last week except with one exception. I got to see a good X Division match. Even seeing Gail Kim in a match was good for her but not for the show. I'm sorry but MVP as a heel is good but not good for TNA. Especially with the fact that it was rushed. Kenny King and Bobby Lashley being added to the mix was another rushed thing people should pay attention to. I guess next week might be better. See you all for WWE Smackdown.....Hopefully that show might be better.

Gene The Grappler


WWE Raw Review 5/12/14

Note: I am going to try to be more objective during the reviews. I feel like the repetition of both WWE and TNA is pissing me off. I mean watch WWE is like watching a hampster in a wheel. SSDD means same shit different day. SSDD is WWE. I want people to see what frustrate me. Hopefully tonight it is different. We will see. Here we go with WWE Raw, the A show of WWE.

Match#1: Rob Van Dam vs. Jack Swagger
Winner: Rob Van Dam
(Thank you Adam Rose for making this a short fucking match. He comes in distracts Swagger. RVD takes out Swagger. This was actually good because no need to see a lot of action from RVD. Moving on to the next match.  )

Match#2: Paige vs. Alicia Fox - Non Title Match
Winner: Paige
(This was another quick match. I am starting to like Paige. She is just as good as AJ Lee. She is younger and faster but she is also cooler. This was sad to watch the end because Alicia Fox snapped. She can't wrestle but she can talk and can be a good valet. She was in full bitch mode. Next match please.....)

Match#3: The Wyatt Family vs. John Cena and The Usos
Winners: John Cena and The Usos
(This was a match I already saw on WWE Smackdown. The difference is that Cena won. So I move on. I do not want to waste time with this SSDD match from WWE. )

Match#4: Natalya vs. Nikki Bella
Winner: Nikki Bella
(Why is WWE doing this to us? So you use the divas reality show to make matches? Why? This is not the first time this has happen but this needs to stop. Why? WWE is happy to show that their divas are real people. They aren't. These women are basically what WWE assumes we want to see. This is not. I will admit that this was not a good match or would be a good match to see. Next match please. )

Match#5: Sheamus vs. Curtis Axel
Winner: No Contest

Match#6: Sheamus vs. Ryback
Winner: Sheamus
(Sheamus had to work twice tonight. He could not beat Curtis Axel because of Ryback but he beat Ryback without Curtis Axel. This was the longest match on WWE Raw in years. Sheamus is going to do a good job with the US title but at the same time, he is going to make people remember that he has the title. )

Match#7: Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
(Ziggler is a mid card favorite. This match was a good reason why mid card hell exist. I will say it was a good match especially with Ziggler winning. This is going to be done again but hopefully with the same ending. )

Match#8: Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: Cody Rhodes
(Cody won!!!!!! Cody won!!!!! Moving on...)

Main Event: Roman Reign vs. Batista
Winner: No Contest
(The match was good. The ending was better. This was so good that I will admit this was better to see than most of the show. However, this did not save this show. Time to end this review. )

 Final Thoughts: Kane vs. Daniel Bryan ended tonight because Daniel Bryan is going to have surgery on his neck. So Kane beat up Daniel Bryan. Well that is a sign that the title will be up for grabs soon. Daniel Bryan is not Cena. He won't be champion while he is recovering. So here we go with a WWE Champion Tournament. My issue with WWE is that they are not going to let the younger talent carry the show. They want to use older talent. The issue I have is that the older talent needs to be used less. Evolution vs. The Shield is good but won't last much longer once Batista has to leave to do press for his movie. Cena is going to eventually bury Bray Wyatt and his clan. So what's the point to watch? I wish I know. See you all for TNA Impact because if this show is bad then TNA might be worse.

Gene The Grappler


WWE Smackdown Review 5/9/14

Note: Last night was not a fun night for me to watch TNA. I actually watched other shows than watching that one. I already know I will be doing the same for tonight's WWE Smackdown. It is not a secret that I feel that watching wrestling on Syfy is a joke. That's because this station is for sci fi geeks and they don't watch stuff like this. As for tonight's show, it should be interesting but if not then I watch something else. Either way, here is WWE Smackdown....

Match#1: Sheamus vs. Dean Ambrose - WWE United States Championship Match
Winner: Sheamus
(This was a decent match. I hated this was the opening match but then again this was ok enough to ignore my rule about title matches opening the show. I think Dean Ambrose is going to be a champion again soon. I think Sheamus with the US title is going to be a good thing. This match was like watching crazy vs brutish. Good job so far WWE. )

Match#2: RVD and Big E vs Cesaro and Bad News Barrett
Winners: Cesaro and Bad News Barrett
(At first, I was bored with this match but seeing Cesaro and Barrett in the ring together made up for the boring bullshit. I only say that because these men are more interesting that RVD and Big E who are more so there for no reason most shows. This was a good match because Cesaro is going to be something and Barrett is the mid card champion. )

Match#3: Rusev vs. Kofi Kingston
Winner: Rusev
(Sexy lady comes out to bring out brute. Kofi is jobbing. Arrive, beat up, take out, move on and repeat. Next match, please.)

Match#4: Fandango & Layla vs. Santino & Emma
Winners: Fandango & Layla
(Before I totally ignore this shitty match, I want to point out that I never though seeing a man and woman kissing would make me sick. Layla is a sexy woman but seeing her kissing Fandango made me sick. The match was SSDD but the kiss was bullshit. Moving on....)

Match#5: Roman Reigns vs. Mark Henry
Winner: Roman Reigns
(This was a good match. This was so good that let's do it again soon. Why is this a good match? Simply put, two big men in the ring showing off the strength they have. This was a perfect match to me. I love that Roman Reign is getting more ring time and shows that he is not a joke. )

Match#6: 3MB & Hornswaggle vs. Los Mataddres & El Torito
Winners: Los Matadores & El Torito
(I will just move on from this match. No need to repeat the same comments. )

Match#7: Batista vs. Seth Rollins
Winner: Batista by Count Out
(This could have been a better match if this had a winner. This was not a good match. If anything, this just proves that Batista is not going to be around much longer. He is not the same guy we saw years ago. Seth basically made the old man run ragged. Time to end this show. )

Main Event: The Wyatt Family vs. John Cena and Usos
Winners: The Wyatt Family
(I have nothing to say about this match because The Wyatt Family won and also made the point to show that Cena can lose to others and can job to people. Time to end the review.)

Final Thoughts: Most people don't watch Smackdown because most of the matches will either be repeated on WWE Raw and also this is also used to recap WWE Raw. This is not the old Smackdown when it was a separate show. This is the C show. WWE NXT is the B show. I will admit that watching tonight was hard because it was not easy to sit through most of the matches and bullshit. Nothing won't change until WWE sees that things need to change. So see you all for WWE Raw. We will see most of this mess again.

Gene The Grappler


TNA Impact Review 5/8/14

Note: I will admit that watching TNA is the lesser of two evils. I only say that because TNA is easier to follow and no issues with watching it or following the storylines. I have said it is funny that I can watch TNA because at least the people in the audience and also the many people following online can make more sense with this promotion than WWE. I'm not a mark for TNA. Never will be a mark because this is basically a lighter version of WCW. So let's hope my wish of wanting to see more from TNA comes true. Here's TNA Impact...

Match#1: The Beautiful People vs. Brittany and Madison Rayne - Evening Gown Match
Winners: The Beautiful People
(It has been a long time for me to see a match like this for women. This would be considered a very derogatory thing to watch. However, seeing that the only person in this match that I have some interest to see is Brittany. Why? She is wrestler not a model who thinks she can wrestle like the other three. This basically bored me. So moving on....)

Match#2: Ethan Carter III vs. Kurt Angle 
Winner: Ethan Carter III
(This was not a fair match. This would have been a good match if Angle did not fuck up his knee. I wanted to see Angle beat EC3 but the sad thing was like I said which is Angle's knee gave out. So this was like a jobber match in reverse. Quick pin and Angle in pain. Moving on...)

Match#3: The BroMans vs. The Wolves - TNA Tag Team Championship Ladder match
Winners: The Wolves
(I am going to call this the match of the night. Why? It is because this was more exciting and more entertaining than watching the matches above. I watch this from beginning to end. I love The Wolves and also think these guys will be fighting each other for the X Division Title in the future. When is the BroMans going to end? I hope so....)

Match#4: Kazarian vs. Knux
Winner: Knux
(When is a match so bad that someone would rather watch paint dry or listen to cats moan in pain? This is that match. I love Kaz but without Daniels, he is lost in the shuffle. As for Knux, well this new gimmick is better than Aces and Eights but we will see. My god, I think that I want to end this show now....)

Main Event: Magnus vs. Willow
Winner: Willow
(The word for this match is pointless. Why? Magnus cannot wrestle unless he has a bodyguard. As a face or a heel, he sucks without a bodyguard. This was pointless. This is not the end. This was the last match of the night. )

After the Main Event: MVP is out in the ring and welcomes the TNA World Champion, Eric Young! Eric comes out with the TNA World Championship as the crowd roars. MVP welcomes him to the ring and says he is inspired by him. He says EY is a leader and if more people are like EY then this company would have no problem in succeeding. MVP states EY is a fighting champion and he will give him a fighting challenger. Here is EY’s challenger… the number one contender! MVP points to entrance stage. EY turns but nothing happens. EY turns back to MVP but MVP is wondering what is going on. MVP says since they aren’t going to play his music then he will just tell Young. Just then, MVP punches EY in the face. He takes off his coat and grabs his chain around his neck. He punches EY in the face multiple times in the face with the chain. He gets back on the mic and says, “See you at Slammiversary.” MVP’s music plays and he walks off.
(Why is MVP heel now? You mean to tell me that they could not have waited to do this? Also why now? This is just as bad as when Dixie Carter turned heel. This is bullshit. Time to end this review. )

Final Thoughts: This show had one good match. Why is that a good thing? It is not because TNA is suppose to be better than WWE. This was garbage. I mean first of all, no X Division match. No KO title match. The KO match was bullshit because it had nothing to gain or lose. I actually spent more time watching other shows on TV than watching this show. See you all for WWE Smackdown. I hope next week is better.

Gene The Grappler


WWE Raw Review 5/5/14

Note: Well after the PPV last night, it is going to be interesting to see how this show goes. I don't pay attention to all the social media from WWE because it is more of a hassle to watch than to be somewhat objective when doing these reviews. Most of the time with WWE PPVs and the show after the PPVs, it could go either good or bad. We all know that WWE is going to milk The Shield and Evolution. Also we will see a confrontation with Kane and Daniel Bryan. So time to watch WWE Raw....

Match#1 - 20 Man Battle Royal for the WWE US Title
Dean Ambrose, Jack Swagger, Ryback, Custis Axel Santino Marella, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, Fandango, Mark Henry, Big Show, Heath Slater, Damien Sandow, Sin Cara, Titus O'Neil, R-Truth, Zack Ryder, Xavier Woods and Sheamus
Winner: Sheamus - New US Champion
(Watching this match was like saying I need 19 guys to get some TV time and make this look good. Basically, that is what you got in this match. Even Zack Ryder was in this match and had some TV time. I found that ironic since he was a former US champion. Most of the others guys in this match just were on TV just to kill time. This was setup by Triple H because he lost to The Shield last night. This was actually smart because we needed to see a title change. Sheamus won but that is not the point. The point was to hurt Ambrose. He did in a sense. Moving on...)

Match#2: Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro
Winner: RVD by DQ
(Normally, it is hard to say RVD is boring. He wasn't. Cesaro is getting boring at times. Heyman does not help. This match was slow and I was happy to see RVD won by DQ. I could not take another minute of this match. Moving on...)

Match#3: Cody Rhodes vs. Ryback
Winner: Ryback
(This was boring. This was just boring as fuck. This was setup because they had met earlier during the title battle royal. I don't want to waste time on this match but will say it is going to be interesting to see a feud with Cody and Goldust after WM. )

Match#4: Kofi Kingston vs. Rusev
Winner: Rusev
(I was going to making this comment short and sweet but I will just say my peace. This was a waste of time. Why? Rusev is a jobber killer. Lana was hot as fuck tonight. Kofi had no chance in hell to win this match. Now moving on....)

Match#5: Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan - Non Title Match
Winner: Daniel Bryan
(Before Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella came out to the ring, they acted like Kane was the boogeyman. He is not the boogeyman. Stephanie McMahon did not help by scaring the shit out of the married couple. As for this match, it was good but then again, this is the countdown to when ADR is leaving WWE. The match did make me think that the title is not the main event because it was not the main event. As for Kane, well he scared Brie and then Daniel and his wife got away. Why is WWE trying to scare me?)

Match#6: Big E vs. Bad News Barrett - IC Title Match
Winner: Bad News Barrett
(I was expecting to have saw this match at the next PPV but I guess we will see someone new to face Barrett. This was almost like the match they had last night. However, this was more so exciting because we actually though that Big E could have won the title back. This was not bad but thank you WWE for making it more so interesting. Time to end the show...)

Main Event: The Wyatt Family vs. The Shield
Winners: The Wyatt Family
(Seeing this match again is good for me as a fan. I think it is funny seeing these guys feud because it means WWE is changing their ways of main events and factions. Plus this was a good setup for this match. Triple H is still punishing The Shield for beating him and his boys last night. Add the fact that Dean Ambrose lost the US title earlier and this makes a good main event. The match as a whole was good as the other matches. The key thing is that Evolution came out as the match was about to be over. Am I pissed that The Shield lost? Not really because this is setting up another match with these guys and maybe another match with The Wyatt Family. The end was typical but it was a good brawl. Time to end the review. )

Final Thoughts: I will admit that this was a very creep and weird show. I mean you got the Wyatt Family creeping us out. You got Kane chasing Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella. You got Triple H and his boys taking out The Shield. This was a weird show. Even seeing the premier of Adam Rose just scared me. Notice, there was no Divas, no Divas title, no tag team title match, and craziness. See you all for TNA Impact.

Gene The Grappler


WWE Extreme Rules PPV Review 5/4/14

Note: Well this is the annual PPV that WWE uses to have what they consider hardcore matches. It is sad that this PPV is weak compared to half the shit that ECW did back in the day. I will admit that I won't be one of the masses watching this PPV on WWE Network or Cable. I am smart enough to watch this via secret connection. So before I start, let's just say this is not going to be a good night for WWE. I mean most of these matches are just sad because there was build up to these matches. We all know that Kane was just a last minute pick to get a title shot. Tamina Snuka is a good wrestler but we all know she is just there. Cena is going into this PPV looking like a weak face character. Basically most of this PPV is going to try to be hardcore. So here we go with WWE Extreme Rules....

Pre Show/Match#1 - WeeLC Match: El Torito vs. Hornswoggle
Winner: El Torito
(This is the first time they got a match right for the pre show. I was not a fan seeing this match on WWE Raw. I like midget matches but this was basically a sad excuse of a match. I think both of these guys are pointless to wrestling in the WWE. I was going to be nice about this match but the reality is that watching this match made me see that WWE could have done better. I will admit that the match was not bad but the whole thing to me really pissed me off. Moving on...)

Match#2 - Triple Threat Elimination Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger
Winner: Cesaro
(This could have been better. I only say that because these three guys should have had something to go with this match. I know Cesaro is going to be a main eventer. However, having these mid card matches would kill your career. I wonder why they keep RVD and this is why. He is the mid card expert. Plus anyone in TNA that comes to WWE tends to never be in the main event unless they are set to lose. As for Swagger, I think he should leave WWE and go to TNA. He is a lot like Gunner and could be a better fit there. )

Match#3 - Handicap Match: Alexander Rusev vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods
Winner: Alexander Rusev
(Before I start, I have to admit that seeing Lana is making me hope she is going to be a good valet. Please don't have her wrestle. She don't need to wrestle. She is good eye candy. As for this match, I will try to say this without looking racist. This was basically a jobber killing match. Rusev just killed two black guys. Funny thing is that I enjoyed seeing Rusev beat them. We all know that R-Truth is just there. Xavier Woods is a good NXT wrestler but in the main roster he is worse than Zack Ryder.)

Match#4 - WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Bad News Barrett vs. Big E
Winner: Bad New Barrett - New IC Champion
(As much as I loved seeing Big E as IC Champion, it was good to see Barrett win this title again. He is good with the title and also can do like Ambrose with the U.S. Title. This was awkward to watch because Big E was kind of out of his element with this match. Barrett is more so the chosen one than Drew McIntyre. I was happy to see this title change hands and the tournament was a good thing. Too bad I had an ideal like that. )

Match#5: Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista) vs. The Shield
Winners: The Shield
(This was the match of the night. Holy shit this was so good that I will admit that I did not think this would work but it did. All these men should be happy with this match. The Shield is good as a team. Even Evolution did some good things. People were bitching about Batista wearing Jordans in the ring. I did not care. All I cared about was that this was good. Roman Reigns will be champion soon. Seth Rollins will be champion soon. Dean Ambrose is going to be a threat for everything in the WWE. This could have ended the show but the main title is the main event.)

Match#6 - Steel Cage Match: John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
Winner: Bray Wyatt
(Cena lost the match. WWE finally got it right. Cena is not Superman. I am a fan of The Wyatt Family. This gimmick is golden for the former Husky Harris. This whole storyline was getting stale but last week on WWE Raw and tonight made this better. Cena looked weak and timid. The kid that stopped Cena from escaping the cage made me think of Damien or Children of the Corn. Thank you WWE for putting on a match that proves that Cena is like Triple H in burying talent. )

Match#7 - Divas Title Match: Paige vs. Tamina Snuka
Winner: Paige
(I did not think Paige would beat Tamina but damn I was wrong. Also was it me or was this match quick. I mean it is rare to see the Divas title before the main event but this is a good thing for WWE because it means that this title is not a joke. I just think this was a quick match. Also it should be said that it is time to get all the NXT women to get into the main roster because it is time for new blood.)

Main Event - Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
Winner: Daniel Bryan
(I like Daniel Bryan. I was happy he finally got the title. I think he is a good wrestler and should not be made into a joke. I am going to say that we need to see him in more matches and not be put in the backburner. This match was good for a title match but the thing is that WWE is dropping the ball with opponents for the title. Kane was suppose to be semi retired and basically not in the main event. However, seeing this Kane was good for all of us who think he got old. This was a good hardcore match. Kane did get fire into this match and we saw a flaming table. Good match and thank you WWE. )

Final Thoughts: I came into this PPV looking for something to bitch about. I did have some things that I nitpicked about. However, this was not the best WWE PPV but it was not the worse either. Most of the matches were ok except for The Shield and Evolution. That was a good match. All the others including the title matches were so so. IC title match was setup for Barrett to win which means Big E is back to being a mid carder. Also hopefully when WWE Raw comes on we will see something to lead us into the next PPV. See you all for WWE Raw.....

Gene The Grappler


WWE Smackdown Review 5/2/14

Note: This is the last show before the PPV this weekend. I will admit that this is going to be interesting because most of the matches for the PPV on paper looks bad. I know for the most part these matches for this show will not have much effect for the PPV but I hope for the most part it does try to be entertaining. Here we go with WWE Smackdown...

Match#1: Rob Van Dam vs. Jack Swagger
Winner: Rob Van Dam
(I will admit this was a good match but the thing is that their match with Cesaro this week looks like a last minute thing. I think it is hard for me as a fan to see go wrestlers go through hell just to be in the main event. RVD is a good wrestler with a great gimmick and can be doing more. Swagger is good and shouldn't have a mouthpiece. Moving on...)

Match#2: R-Truth vs. Alexander Rusev
Winner: Alexander Rusev by DQ
(This is hard to watch because it just proves that WWE is finding it hard to match people in storylines and matches. Rusev was a beast in NXT but as he transitions into the main roster, it is not fair to see him go through jobbers. I hope they put him in a real feud with someone soon. )

Match#3: The Wyatt Family vs. The Usos and Sheamus
Winners: The Wyatt Family
(This was a good match but the point of this match was lost on me. I am excited to see Bray Wyatt in the steel cage with Cena so we can get a decent match. This was not a good match but this was filler. So moving on....)

Match#4: Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
(I feel sorry for Sandow. I don't think it is fair for this man to go through all the shit he has been through just to be a joke. On WWE Raw, it was sad to see him pander to the fans and also start a bad feud with Dolph Ziggler. I mean come on. I am going to move on....)

Match#5: Big E vs. Titus O'Neil
Winner: Big E. by DQ
(As a black man, I enjoyed this too much. This was like watching two guys in the streets fighting for a girl or something stupid. I mean this was a good match but it was a better street fight. Big E is not a punk and neither is Titus. Time to end this show...)

Main Event: Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback vs. Curtis Axel vs. Alberto Del Rio - Fatal 4 Way United States Title Match
Winner: Dean Ambrose
(People wonder why Ambrose has a title that have not been truly defended since forever. It is harder to get people to feud with this title than the IC title. I think it is because WWE still wants people to see that the old WCW titles aren't worth shit except for the WHC title. This was a good match. This is why I think this title needs to be defended more on TV. Ambrose is a good wrestler and needs to make a push for the main event. Time to end this review. )

Final Thoughts: This show did a decent job in making the case to buy the PPV this weekend or watch it on the WWE Network. I still think people who truly love WWE is trying to find reasons still to watch WWE because some weeks it is hard to bear the shit they put on TV. Seeing that this is not the best show, I will just end with this thought - If you had the main event of the show with a lesser title that has not been defended regularly then do you expect people to be excited about watching a PPV where extreme is used but is tame compared what they use to do. See you all for WWE Extreme Rules PPV.

Gene The Grappler


TNA Impact Review 5/1/14

Note: Well their PPV was not bad but it was not good either. So how do you make a show better? Hopefully TNA will answer this question tonight. I am not bashing TNA but hoping to see better things from this promotion. I mean you have a champion that is not getting buried by other talent. You don't have a tag team champion that isn't two bad wrestlers. You do have a bad KO champion but that might change. You don't have a bad TNA X Division Champion. So basically is TNA going to be better. We will see. Tonight is the building of something better. Here we go with TNA Impact...

Match#1: Gunner vs. Mr. Anderson
Winner: Gunner
(I will admit that how this match was setup was different. I mean using high card to make a main event was a silly thing but a good way to be fresh and creative. Seeing this match first was like seeing two mid carders be given one shot at being the main event. I wished Anderson won but Gunner is the younger man and also the better candidate for facing Bobby Roode later on during the night. This was a good match to see again because these men are good to watch. Both of these men are not mid carders but TNA main eventers. )

Match#2: Bobby Roode vs. Gunner - #1 Contender Match
Winner: Bobby Roode
(I will admit that Bobby Roode is the best TNA got right now. He is the perfect heel. He is not a good face but a good heel. He is also the only man in TNA that can make a match great. This was a good match because both men did not fake it. This match was pure action. Gunner is an intense guy and Roode is flawless. So seeing Roode vs. EY tonight is going to be good for business in TNA. )

Match#3: Willow vs. James Storm
Winner: Willow by DQ
(Yawn. I wished Storm won clean but wasn't bored seeing Anderson take out Storm. This was not a good match for Storm. Moving on....)

Match#4: The Wolves and Sanada vs. BroMans and Zema Ion
Winners: The Wolves and Sanada
(I cannot wait for The Wolves to have a good match with a good team. Tonight was not it. Sanada is just there. This was not boring but I will just move on because I don't have much more to say about this match. )

Main Event: Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode - TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
Winner: Eric Young
(I will admit that this was a good match. EY and Roode had a good match. I mean there was lots of action and twists. However, the thing about this match was that this could have been better. Why? EY had a shitty hardcore match with Abyss. So you mean Roode is not good for a hardcore title match? I will also admit that my expectation of this match was skewed because I was expecting something cool or bad to make this match end quickly. No luck. Time to end the review. )

Final Thoughts: What is worse than knowing the matches and the winners before the show comes on? Simply knowing that TNA is not trying to be better is worse. If you don't know, for the next few weeks TNA taped their shows for most of May. I am going to still be doing reviews of TNA without knowing the results. This show could have been better because they could have had more matches. Also less backstage stuff. TNA should have learned that having more is good because less suckes. See you all for WWE Smackdown...

Gene The Grappler