
WWE Extreme Rules PPV Review 5/4/14

Note: Well this is the annual PPV that WWE uses to have what they consider hardcore matches. It is sad that this PPV is weak compared to half the shit that ECW did back in the day. I will admit that I won't be one of the masses watching this PPV on WWE Network or Cable. I am smart enough to watch this via secret connection. So before I start, let's just say this is not going to be a good night for WWE. I mean most of these matches are just sad because there was build up to these matches. We all know that Kane was just a last minute pick to get a title shot. Tamina Snuka is a good wrestler but we all know she is just there. Cena is going into this PPV looking like a weak face character. Basically most of this PPV is going to try to be hardcore. So here we go with WWE Extreme Rules....

Pre Show/Match#1 - WeeLC Match: El Torito vs. Hornswoggle
Winner: El Torito
(This is the first time they got a match right for the pre show. I was not a fan seeing this match on WWE Raw. I like midget matches but this was basically a sad excuse of a match. I think both of these guys are pointless to wrestling in the WWE. I was going to be nice about this match but the reality is that watching this match made me see that WWE could have done better. I will admit that the match was not bad but the whole thing to me really pissed me off. Moving on...)

Match#2 - Triple Threat Elimination Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger
Winner: Cesaro
(This could have been better. I only say that because these three guys should have had something to go with this match. I know Cesaro is going to be a main eventer. However, having these mid card matches would kill your career. I wonder why they keep RVD and this is why. He is the mid card expert. Plus anyone in TNA that comes to WWE tends to never be in the main event unless they are set to lose. As for Swagger, I think he should leave WWE and go to TNA. He is a lot like Gunner and could be a better fit there. )

Match#3 - Handicap Match: Alexander Rusev vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods
Winner: Alexander Rusev
(Before I start, I have to admit that seeing Lana is making me hope she is going to be a good valet. Please don't have her wrestle. She don't need to wrestle. She is good eye candy. As for this match, I will try to say this without looking racist. This was basically a jobber killing match. Rusev just killed two black guys. Funny thing is that I enjoyed seeing Rusev beat them. We all know that R-Truth is just there. Xavier Woods is a good NXT wrestler but in the main roster he is worse than Zack Ryder.)

Match#4 - WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Bad News Barrett vs. Big E
Winner: Bad New Barrett - New IC Champion
(As much as I loved seeing Big E as IC Champion, it was good to see Barrett win this title again. He is good with the title and also can do like Ambrose with the U.S. Title. This was awkward to watch because Big E was kind of out of his element with this match. Barrett is more so the chosen one than Drew McIntyre. I was happy to see this title change hands and the tournament was a good thing. Too bad I had an ideal like that. )

Match#5: Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista) vs. The Shield
Winners: The Shield
(This was the match of the night. Holy shit this was so good that I will admit that I did not think this would work but it did. All these men should be happy with this match. The Shield is good as a team. Even Evolution did some good things. People were bitching about Batista wearing Jordans in the ring. I did not care. All I cared about was that this was good. Roman Reigns will be champion soon. Seth Rollins will be champion soon. Dean Ambrose is going to be a threat for everything in the WWE. This could have ended the show but the main title is the main event.)

Match#6 - Steel Cage Match: John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
Winner: Bray Wyatt
(Cena lost the match. WWE finally got it right. Cena is not Superman. I am a fan of The Wyatt Family. This gimmick is golden for the former Husky Harris. This whole storyline was getting stale but last week on WWE Raw and tonight made this better. Cena looked weak and timid. The kid that stopped Cena from escaping the cage made me think of Damien or Children of the Corn. Thank you WWE for putting on a match that proves that Cena is like Triple H in burying talent. )

Match#7 - Divas Title Match: Paige vs. Tamina Snuka
Winner: Paige
(I did not think Paige would beat Tamina but damn I was wrong. Also was it me or was this match quick. I mean it is rare to see the Divas title before the main event but this is a good thing for WWE because it means that this title is not a joke. I just think this was a quick match. Also it should be said that it is time to get all the NXT women to get into the main roster because it is time for new blood.)

Main Event - Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
Winner: Daniel Bryan
(I like Daniel Bryan. I was happy he finally got the title. I think he is a good wrestler and should not be made into a joke. I am going to say that we need to see him in more matches and not be put in the backburner. This match was good for a title match but the thing is that WWE is dropping the ball with opponents for the title. Kane was suppose to be semi retired and basically not in the main event. However, seeing this Kane was good for all of us who think he got old. This was a good hardcore match. Kane did get fire into this match and we saw a flaming table. Good match and thank you WWE. )

Final Thoughts: I came into this PPV looking for something to bitch about. I did have some things that I nitpicked about. However, this was not the best WWE PPV but it was not the worse either. Most of the matches were ok except for The Shield and Evolution. That was a good match. All the others including the title matches were so so. IC title match was setup for Barrett to win which means Big E is back to being a mid carder. Also hopefully when WWE Raw comes on we will see something to lead us into the next PPV. See you all for WWE Raw.....

Gene The Grappler

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