
WWE Night of Champions Review 9/16/12

Note: Well this is the night all the titles are defended. We will hope for title changes but that’s asking for a lot. With that said, let’s get to WWE Night of Champions……..


Match#1: #1 Contender Battle Royal for the U.S. title - Brodus Clay, Primo, Epico, Justin Gabriel, Tensai, Tyson Kidd, Michael McGillicutty, Zack Ryder, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Jinder Mahal, JTG, Drew McIntyre, Ted DiBiase, Heath Slater, Santino Marella

Winner: Zack Ryder

(This was not counted as a match for the PPV but I counted it. I loved to see most of the well know mid carders in this match. It was also nice to see Ted DiBiase back in WWE for a while. I was happy to see my favorite mid carder win only because of popularity or because they had to throw him a bone. #WWWYKI )


Match#2: Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Intercontinental Title - Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes vs. The Miz

Winner: The Miz

(This was like watch bad acting in motion. Rey and Sin Cara were not getting my interest. Cody Rhodes is starting to get on my last nerves. I was happy to see The Miz win only to see this match over with. )


Match#3: Tag Team Title Match – Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan – New Champs!!!!!!!

(No more Little Jimmy in Paradise!!!!! Long live the new team of Team Friendship. This was the best match for tag teams. Also it was funny to see them brag afterwards. )


Match#4: US Title Match – Zack Ryder vs. Antonio Cesaro

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

(Ryder was fucking robbed!!!! Why does WWE like this dumb fuck? Give Zack his belt back. What the fuck WWE?)


Match#5: Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler

Winner: RKO

(This match was fun to watch but Dolph did not cash in his MITB contract. Why? Also why was RKO flipping off the people? This was a wild match.)


Match#6: Divas Title – Layla vs. Eve

Winner: Eve Torres – New Divas Champ!!!!!!!!

(Where to start? Layla needed to drop the title. Ok. Kaitlyn was taken out. We know it was Eve that did it. So why Eve? Well, she won a reality contest, so give her a bone. This was not a good match but thank you for the title change. )


Match#7: World Heavyweight Title Match - Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus

Winner: Sheamus

(Brogue Kick was re-instated. Cool. Sheamus won with it. Cool. There is nothing else to say but thank you god. )


Main Event: WWE Title Match – John Cena vs. CM Punk

Winner: John Cena – New WWE Champ!!!!!!

Reverse Decision – Winner: CM Punk

(I am a big Punk fan. Thank you WWE for not only fucking up the main event but making fans upset and going apeshit. Cena lost in Boston!!!!! Thank you WWE. Not only did you prove me right but I am getting the heat that Punk is suppose to be getting. Do I want to boo him? Nope, because he called this shit over a year ago after his infamous tirade.)


Final Thoughts: Well WWE made up for the loss of Lawler with having JBL do what he does best which is talk. No real title changes except the tag team and divas titles. This was a pointless PPV because no one really lost tonight. I guess I will hope that Survivor Series is going to be a good PPV. I forgot what is the next WWE PPV but I will see you all for the aftermath on WWE Raw.






Gene The Grappler

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