
WWE Smackdown Review 9/7/12

Note: After seeing a good TNA show, I am again hoping to see a good WWE shows to end the week. Sometimes, it is hard to see a good show on WWE without getting upset. With that said, let’s hope for the best and don’t let me see shit. Here’s WWE Smackdown……..

Opening Segment: ADR and RR come out with David Otunga. They want the brogue kick outlawed. Booker T comes out to say he will leave it in the hands of the fans.
(Really? This is how you start a show? Two men bitch about a kick and David Otunga is like a ambulance chasing lawyer trying to sue. This is not PG but just fucking sad. Here we fucking go!)

Match#1: Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes and The Miz
Winners: Rey and Sin Cara
(This is not what I would want to see on the start of the show. The young guys should beat the old man and the other guy. I am not a fan of Rey or Sin Cara. I want to see these guys face each other but Rey is not ready and Sin Cara is not ready to botch. This was a sad match. This was for the little kids. Not for me.)

Match#2: Zack Ryder vs. Daniel Bryan
Winner: Zack Ryder after the ref reversed the original call.
(DB is losing his mind. Good job letting Zack have a free win. The whole anger management angle with him and Kane is good. I love seeing guys lose it then have to hugging it out. This is going to be a good angle to see. )

Match#3: Randy Orton vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: RKO by Count Out
(This was an ok match but the ending sucked. I want to thank you Dolph for being the heel and being the show off. Dolph not only did commentary but also got involved with RKO. This was a pick me up for me. )

Match#4: Titus O'Neil and Darren Young vs. Primo and Epico vs. The Uso
Winners: Prime Time Players - #1 Contenders for the WWE Tag Team Titles
(So fucking boring. Same boring teams and same results. We all know that the tag team division is shitty and boring. I am tired and bored. Moving on……..)

Match#5: Wade Barrett vs. Yoshi Tatsu
Winner: Wade Barrett
(This was a waste of time for Barrett but he is going to make it fun to watch Smackdown again. He needs to go after RKO again and make their rivalry hot again. It was nice to see him back on TV. )

Main Event: Sheamus vs. David Otunga
Winner: Sheamus
(This was a boring match to end the show. We all know that Otunga is there for the paycheck. Also it was nice to see that Sheamus is using a submission move because the kick he uses is banned. Sound just like RKO and the punt kick.)

Final Thoughts: This was a so-so show. Nothing really new or exciting happened except for seeing Wade Barrett back on TV. See you all for WWE Raw because we are going to see something good or something shitty.

Gene The Grappler

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