
TNA Impact Review 8/1/13

Note: After being disappointed with seeing a taped WWE Raw show, seeing TNA is a good thing. What's funny is that this is actually live this week. So I am shocked to see that we might get to see something cool. It is rare to say that seeing something cool on TNA Impact is almost as rare as seeing a comet. With that said, let's jump in and watch TNA Impact.

Opening Segment: Austin Aries comes to the ring and says he will win BFG and says to Sabin that he will see him soon for the title. Out comes Bobby Roode. He is also determined to win the BFG. Roode says he is going to be more aggressive and ruthless.
(I wish I could say this was good to start the show but it was kind of boring. I guess it is because seeing Roode talk is boring me. However seeing him wrestle is different. I love how Roode is back to being a major heel. TNA needs to run with this because we don't need anymore WWE rejects stealing the spotlight. )

Match#1: Bobby Roode vs. Hernandez - BFG Series Match
Winner: Bobby Roode - 7 pts.
(I don't know what was sad or funny with this match. I found it funny to see this match because we all know that Hernandez is a big jobber and Roode a serious main eventer. What's sad about this match is I knew as soon as the bell rung that Roode had this win. Hernandez is there for show. Good match though because both these guys can make a good match. Thank god this was the first match not the X Division match.)

Match#2: Jay Bradley vs. Joseph Park - BFG Series Match
Winner: Joseph Park - 7 pts.
(Would someone please explain to me who these guys are and why should I care? Jay Bradley is basically a jobber that is training to be a mid carder. I know that is harsh to say but it is the truth. There is basically no more Gut Check. He is still in the company to serve a purpose. As for Joseph Park, well I don't care much for him but I care for his gimmick: Abyss. The laywer gimmick is played out. However Abyss needs to come back. )

Match#3: Manik vs. Chris Sabin - Champion vs. Champion Match
Winner: Chris Sabin
(Now this is how a fucking champion vs. champion is suppose to look and be. I mean this was the best fucking match I have seen on TNA TV. I think it is fucking sad that TNA is so fucking dependent on old WWE talent but Sabin and Manik just fucking prove that TNA can build talent. Seeing this match was the best shit on TNA. I hated the ending after the match but still a good match.)

Match#4: Gail Kim vs. ODB
Winner: No Contest
(I was hoping for a good KO match. I did not get that. I don't know what this was. Moving on. )

Main Event: Austin Aries vs. AJ Styles - BFG Series Match
Winner: Austin Aries - 7 pts.
(Holy shit! Another good match in the same show. What's going on? I think I loved this match because it showcased some more guys that TNA needs to focus on. My god, I was hoping for Styles to win but this might be seen again during the finals of the BFG. Thank you TNA for this.)

Final Thoughts: I skipped the bullshit with Tito Ortiz. I am not a big fan of MMA guys on wrestling shows. Brock Lesnar was a wrestler before a MMA champion. Rampage is out of place in TNA. Tito Ortiz is basically another attempt to get MMA on free tv. Now that I got that shit out of the way, this was a good show for the most part. I say that because it is hard to get good shows from TNA without showing off older talent or forcing someone down the fans' throats. I am going to bed but see you all for WWE Smackdown.

Gene The Grappler

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