
WWE Smackdown Review 8/23/13

Note: Last night, TNA basically changed their show because they wanted to make changes to the product. Ok that's good for some but not good for me as a fan. Now it is time to watch Smackdown. Now, seeing that Summer Slam was filled with changes for the WWE and the title, it is interesting to see what Smackdown does to wow people. What's fucked up with this show is that it is going to repeat matches from Raw or make matches look shittier than what it is on paper. Here's WWE Smackdown.

Match#1: Curtis Axel vs. Cody Rhodes
Winner: Curtis Axel
(I actually like this match. Why? It is because this is the future of the WWE. This could be for the WHC title. Seeing Cody and Curtis actually wrestling is good for me as a fan because it is better than seeing bullshit. WWE does need to make strides to make the mid card better and also make new main eventers. Time to let go of the past. This was a good four star match. Even with the edits, this would be something I want to see more of.)

Match#2: Dolph Ziggler vs. Big E Langston
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
(I like this match because this was going to happen eventually. We all know that in real life, AJ and Dolph are dating. This is the Triple H/Stephanie dilemma. So of course we are going to see AJ Lee hate Dolph on TV. Big E is the foil to make sure people hate him and also cheer Dolph. Good match. Love how all three can tell a good story. Even before his face turn, it is better than seeing a lame storyline.)

Match#3: Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
(The people want to see change with the WHC title. I want to see Christian as champ one more time. Most people want to see RVD take the title. Either way, seeing ADR as champion is lame now. This match was lame but it did serve a point to basically promote change with title soon. )

Match#4: Big Show and Mark Henry vs. 3MB - Handicap Match
Winners: Big Show and Mark Henry
(This was so fucking boring that I did not see the match at all. Also I went to get food. I did see the end and figured that it was basically a shitty jobber match. So moving on.)

Match#5: Darren Young vs. Antono Cesaro
Winner: Darren Young
(I did not talk about Darren Young coming out on TMZ. Don't fucking care!!!!!! One thing that I hate with a passion is what occurs with wrestlers outside the ring. I don't care if he is gay. Not my business to care. I care if he can wrestle or not. He can wrestle. He can be a star. He is going to be main eventing a WM someday. As for this match, this was WWE giving him a small push. Too bad it is short term. Moving on. )

Main Event: Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett - Steel Cage Match
Winner: Daniel Bryan
(On WWE Raw, we came to the conclusion that Bryan is playing a Stone Cold like character. He is tough and was jilted out of the title. Basically, the McMahon/Helmsley family does not like Bryan and loves RKO. RKO is the face of WWE. I love heel RKO. This is what the people want and we should be happy. Barrett is the lackey that will try to kill the popularity of Bryan. This was a good match even with the cage stipulation. So my thing was the whole issue with RKO being on Smackdown. We all know that Cena would be on Smackdown but RKO will. What the fuck?)

Final Thoughts: The funny thing about this week's show was that we did not see SSDD but this was more so a different show. Except for the Big Show match, most of these matches served a point or a purpose. WWE is changing things and preparing for Night of Champions and also for Survivor Series. Without Cena in the WWE, I just hope to see what the IWC wants to see as well: NO Cena, RKO carrying the WWE, Guys like Daniel Bryan and CM Punk basically doing the leg work. So good night and see you all for WWE Raw.

Gene The Grappler

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