Note: Well as I get ready to watch this week's TNA Impact, I think of all the past great shows that came on. I might have bitched about the stupid shit that Jeff Jarrett pulled or the insanity of the original Main Event Mafia but now we got no Hogan. Add to that Dixie Carter copying WWE's New Corporation angle and being on TV more. Basically if I was not watching WWE, then I would definitely not be watching TNA. So as we get ready for an actual PPV from TNA, I think the best thing going on with TNA is the shitty spoof of what happened with CM Punk and Triple H. This time it is Dixie Carter and AJ Styles. So other than that, let's watch TNA Impact for some good and some bad.
Match#1: Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries
Winner: Austin Aries
(This was a good match. I was actually surprised because usually Hardy would have won. Thank god that this was not the case. I know I am hard on Jeff Hardy but it is because I feel like this time is up. He is too old to do the high flying that we are use to seeing. I would say that about RVD but he is not going to be doing it all the time. I love Aries because he reminds me of CM Punk. This was a three and a half star match and probably the best so far tonight. )
Match#2: ODB vs. Jessie Godderz
Winner: ODB by DQ
(The good news is that no one would not have cared if ODB beat a dumb muscle jocks. Ok, so I am happy to see that they got someone that can wrestle and can go toe to toe with the KOs. What's funny is that this girl was the only female that got through TNA's knock off of Tough Enough. Good job TNA for this slice of perfection.)
Match#3: Velvet Sky vs. Brooke - #1 Contender for the KO Title
Winner: Brooke
(I usually change channels when I see these women in the ring. Neither one of them are good wrestlers. All I could think of while watching this match as ass and tities. These women were more so flopping around than wrestling. Sad thing is that if Brooke becomes KO champion and Bully keeps his title, we might see another WWE imitation. )
Match#4: Main Event Mafia (Sting and Magnus) vs. Bad Influence (Kaz and Daniels)
Winners: Sting & Magnus
(This was so much SSDD in this match it is sad. I don't care about the match with Sting and Magnus. We all know that Sting will win. We also know that Magnus will be heel and since we all know TNA can't keep track of all the changes in characters, it is going to be interesting in seeing this after the PPV. By the way, I hate that Daniels and Kaz job to guys that shouldn't be spotlighted. )
Main Event: AJ Styles vs Knux & Garett Bischoff
Winner: AJ Styles
(This was basically two jobbers trying to beat a main eventer. It was funny to see this match because I knew AJ was going to win but how was the question of the night for me. Also it was funny to see Bully Ray try to be objective in this while watching this from ringside. It was funny to see Bully Ray scare Mike Tenay away from the commentator's table. This was a good match for AJ because he did his job. After the match was expected because Bully had to end the show with him on top. Good job Bully. )
Final Thoughts: We got to see Kurt Angle come back to ruin Bobby Roode's night. We will see a match at the PPV with Roode and Angle. That's good because I actually miss Kurt. Nice to know that his rehab worked and he looks like he is more built. I did not care for the shit with Dixie because she can't act and cannot talk. I love Stephanie McMahon because she knows the business. At least her actions look real. Dixie sounds like a southern gal who is trying to hard to be refined. AJ Styles is playing his role and we might see him get the title or get screwed out of the title. The stuff with EGO and Bad Influence was comic gold. One more thing: Why is TNA trying to get rid of their merch? I swear that this is like trying to see shit people don't want. At least they don't have an app. Oh wait, they do. See you all for WWE Smackdown. Time to see if Big Show is about to change again.
Gene The Grappler
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