
WWE Raw Review 10/14/13

Note: We start the new wrestling week with some good news and some bad news. We know that Cena is coming back to WWE. That's bad for us that was enjoying the peace of not seeing Vince's golden goose. The good news is that we get a fresh start for seeing possibly good wrestling and maybe some good storylines to the next PPV event. Usually, I say a prayer before watching WWE Raw for a good show and not to be pissed at the end, I just said that before typing this blog review. So with that said, time to dig into WWE Raw.

Opening Segment: HBK comes out to talk about the HIAC PPV and the match for the WWE title. He will guarantee a winner since he will be the special ref. Randy Orton comes out to scare HBK. They get into it but both stop each other from doing their finishers. The Miz comes out to attack RKO.
(I really did not care much for seeing HBK because he is only back to help the buyrates for the PPV. Other than that, we get SSDD from WWE. The only good thing was seeing The Miz beat up on RKO. )

Match#1: The Miz vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Randy Orton
(The Miz would have won but was distracted by the Wyatt family. This was a good match to say the least. It was better than the beatdown in Cleveland. I like that they are giving The Miz some main event time. I loved that RKO is back to being sick and evil. This was a good match but the ending was bullshit. Also don't want to see Bray Wyatt vs. The Miz....bad match. )

Match#2: Santino Marella vs. Fandango
Winner: Fandango
(I have nothing to say because this was bullshit. I am disgusted everytime I see Fandango. Nothing against Santino but this was basically a shitty match to watch. )

Match#3: Los Matadores vs. 3MB
Winners: Los Matadores
(I have nothing to say because this was bullshit. I am disgusted with this shit more than the above match. )

Match#4: Ryback vs. R-Truth - Beat The Clock Match
Winner: Ryback @ 5:44
(This was the brain child of Brad Maddox. This was a good ideal of setting up a match for the PPV with Ryback and CM Punk. This was basically a jobber match for Ryback. We all know that Ryback was not going to lose this match. In addition, we need to realize that Ryback is a jobber killer.)

Match#5: Tons of Funk (Tensai and Brodus Clay) vs. Real Americans (Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger)
Winners: Real Americans
(I have nothing to say because this was bullshit. Plus this was an excuse for Cesaro to swing a big man. Bullshit. )

Match#6: Tamina Snuka vs. Brie Bella
Winner: Tamina Snuka
(No Kaitlyn? Ok, I can deal with that. We got to see AJ Lee. That was better than nothing at all. Also Tamina needs to go back to ring gear. Her bad ass gear looks cheap. This was just like watching Ryback kill jobbers. Tamina killed a Bella twin. What was better was seeing Brie get splashed on but she was taken out by AJ Lee with the Black Widow. Thank you AJ for that slice of heaven. )

Match#7: CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel - Beat The Clock Match
Winner: CM Punk @ 5:33
(Well this was better than nothing. Seeing this match was like the thousands of times we saw CM Punk beat Curtis Axel. What was funny was the fact that this was quicker than Ryback's match plus it did not feel like a jobber match. With 11 seconds left, CM Punk beat Axel and makes a 2 vs. 1 match for the PPV with Heyman in the actual match. Good thing we got CM Punk to make things lively. )

Match#8: Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan
Winner: Alberto Del Rio by Count Out
(Ok, so this was a good match to watch again. We saw this for the WHC and WWE titles. I was excited to see this match. I wanted to see this match end cleanly. However, RKO decided to remind us how sick he is and check on Brie while Daniel was in the middle of the match. So ADR get the win by countout but the backstage drama was funnier because the Bellas can't act. Thanks RKO for this typical setup.)

Main Event: Goldust and Cody Rhodes vs. The Shield (Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) - No DQ Tag Team Title Match
Winners: Goldust and Cody Rhodes - New Champs
(Unlike the match for their jobs back, this seem more real to me. This is for a title. Plus since Goldust has been IC champ before, this could be good for the fans and also Cody. We all want him to be the new WHC sooner than later. The Shield was not looking bad tonight because they showed more movement and also was not just beating the hell out of guys. The added No DQ stipulation was good for TV because it made the match better. Plus this match basically was the main event. Thanks to Big Show for the KOs and also the assists. Best tag team match ever on WWE TV.  )

Final Thoughts: Well aside from the Cena bullshit we had to see every 30 minutes, the constant mentioning of the WWE app, and the bullshit with the stats about WWE being better than sports teams on Facebook, it was more so SSDD on WWE TV. Thank god we did not see a Raw Interactive Match. We did have to endure the constant babblings of Michael Cole but seeing that WWE finally used their first hour better with the jobber matches was worth watching. However, basically it was SSDD from WWE except for the ending. See you all for TNA Impact.

Gene The Grappler

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