
Gene The Grappler's Last Blog of 2013

Dear Fans of Gene The Grappler,

Well it is the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2014. Gene The Grappler start exactly two years ago and at first it was my way to vent some of my issues with WWE and TNA programming. I know I wanted to expand to ROH and other local independant wrestling promotions. To be honest, I might because of what I am seeing from TNA and WWE. I have been a fan of wrestling for over 30 years. As the times fly with life, wrestling has been a constant in my life. I use the term wrestling because sports entertainment is a general term. All sports players are also entertainers. So the term is redundant. LeBron James is a sports entertainer. Miguel Cabrera is a sports entertainer. Even Aaron Rodgers is a sports entertainer. So like I have said many times, I like wrestling.

I have been a fan of WWE/WCW/ECW/TNA and other promotions for years. For the exception of ROH and MMA, I am not a true fan but I know enough to watch and teach others about what's going on and the past. I said that I will try to speak on ROH because as of now, that's the better promotion for wrestling. All the guys we know in both WWE and TNA came from there. Also I will try to speak on MMA but not in the same manner as wrestling. I have said many times that I watch wrestling for the action. I did not watch WWE back in the day for the talking. I watched to see guys like Hogan, Savage, JYD, and others do moves that I could not do in my wildest dreams. Same with seeing Flair and the Four Horsemen, RVD, Sabu, and others. Wrestling is just like watching American Football, Baseball, or even Basketball.

As we enter into 2014, I want to start doing more for one of the things I love to watch. Gene The Grappler will be doing more blogs and even vlogs. Also I will attempt to be at most live events from WWE/TNA/ROH/Other Indys that come to my hometown of Detroit, MI or even Toledo, OH. I know I will do my best because I want Gene The Grappler to be just as successful as NODQ, Wrestling Roundtable, and even Ring Side News. So Happy New Year to you all and let's have fun with 2014.

Gene The Grappler (Eugene Chandler III)

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