
WWE Smackdown Review 12/6/13

Note: Well we are at the end of the wrestling week. Time to watch WWE Smackdown. Seeing that WWE is on cruise control since it is the end of the year and the real fun begins next year with the celebration of 20 years of WWE Raw and also the celebration of 20 years of Royal Rumble, WWE is not going to be interesting for a while. WWE Smackdown is not know for interesting storylines since most WWE Raw matches are repeated here. So hopefully we get something different and interesting. So time to watch WWE Smackdown and end the wrestling week...

Match#1: Fandango vs. Big E Langston - Non Title Match
Winner: Big E. Langston
(Even though Damien Sandow was at ringside, this was more so a sqaush match. Thank you Big E for killing off Vince's creation. I think it is fitting that Big E had a natural progress with his career. He was not rushed into a title and he was not rushed into his recent change in character. Also it was funny to see Mark Henry mentor him because that match would be a good thing. As for this match, this was fun to watch. Also, Damien Sandow is stuck in mid card hell. )

Match#2: Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel - Non Title Match
Winners: Curtis Axel and Ryback
(I was not going to watch this match because I have seen this match before. However, this was different because Axel channeled his father with how he won this match. I think it is good that WWE is going to make more tag teams but at the same time, we need to make more real tag teams not just put two guys together. Moving on...)

Match#3: Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner: No Contest
(This is the only time we get to see ADR really be a great heel and wrestler. Even though this match never really started, it was good to see ADR get some aggression out. I think it is sad that Kofi is the best guy to get an ass whooping. I never saw someone get his ass handed to him like Kofi did. I would have loved to see Kofi arm broken. )

Match#4: CM Punk vs. Dean Ambrose
Winner: CM Punk
(This was the best match of the night. My god, it is true that indy guys can have better matches. This was a dream for all people that saw this match like a couple years ago. I loved every second of this match. Dean Ambrose is a main eventer. CM Punk is a good teacher. This was a schooling. So glad to see that WWE isn't trying to kill indy guys...I made a joke. Anyways, there was no interference from the other guys in The Shield. Best match of the night. )

Match#5: Tamina Snuka vs. Natalya
Winner: Natalya
(Forgive me for saying this but this was a very quick match to see and hard to FAP to. Most of the match was taken away because AJ Lee was at ringside doing commentary. I think we should see more females do commentary. Especially if they can stop JBL and Cole from acting like assholes. Moving on...)

Match#6: Rey Mysterio and Big Show vs. The Real Americans(Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro)
Winners: Rey Mysterio and Big Show
(I did not care much for this match. I wish I could speak on this match but it was boring to me.)

Main Event: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan - Non Title Match
Winner: Randy Orton
(I was so into this match because I wanted to see a good match at the end. I will say this was the second match of the night to make me happy but the ending fucked that up. Before the ending, this was a classic match between these men. This was the one time that Orton was not boring and did not suck. I think if I was there live, this would have been better seen. RKO is getting boring but not his fault. Daniel Bryan should be in the main event not feuding with mid carders. The ending killed this match because instead of psyching Daniel Bryan out that it made for a rather awkward moment. I will leave it there and end this review. )

Final Thoughts: I will admit that this was a good show but in my opinion the ending was bordering something I won't say outloud. I will also admit that while watching this show, it was better than watching WWE Raw some weeks. I think WWE is not trying to eliminate older fans but it is not doing a good job making this kid friendly. I think it is sad that some of the backstage segments are better than the actual matches. I am watching wrestling not American Idol. I need wrestling not talking unless it is prior to a match. See you all for the Slammy Awards on WWE Raw.

Gene The Grappler

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