
WWE Raw Review 12/30/13

Note: Well this is the officially the last WWE show of 2013. I neglected to mention or notice that fact when talking about the past week's Smackdown or Impact. As we prepare for 2014, it should be said that both WWE and TNA needs to step up because the fans can either move to something else or watch UFC and MMA. So it's time to see what WWE can do to make the end of 2013 interesting to all of us, here's the last WWE Raw of 2013...

Match#1: CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins
Winner: CM Punk
(I will say that as good as this match was and the other match with Dean Ambrose, this also makes me wonder why is WWE making CM Punk a mid card wrestler. He was the top dog in WWE and since people like Vince and Triple H are running things, instead of being in the title hunt, he's fighting three guys. Same as Daniel Bryan but less of a shock value. This does prove that all three members of The Shield are ready to break up and be main eventers. This was also a flashback to all their matches back in the indy circuit. I loved this match but know that the seeds are set to break up The Shield in 2014. Other than that, it is pissing me off to see this as the first match. Moving on...)

Match#2: Curtis Axel vs. Dolph Ziggler
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
(I don't know who to feel sorry for in this match. Both had titles and both were good as champ. Both were able to show off their talents. However, Dolph did something to be pushed back into the mid card. Axel lost his title and is basically a jobber with a famous name. This was a good match but hope that 2014 is the year these guys get back into the main event or the spotlight. )

Match#3: Big E. Langston vs. Fandango - IC Title Match
Winner: Big E. Langston
(I will only say that thank god Fandango did not win because if he did, I would quit watching WWE. I don't think Fandango is ready for a title push. I think he is a jobber with a gimmick. Big E. represent a small minority of African American men that held titles in the WWE. Hopefully he could become more than a mid card champion. Moving on...)

Match#4: Damien Sandown vs. Great Khali - WWE App Match
Winner: Damien Sandow
(I did not care for this match or wanted to see who would win. This was pointless. Moving on...)

Match#5: R-Truth vs. Brodus Clay
Winner: R-Truth
(This was another pointless match. So Brodus is heel? Ok but who cares that he is a heel now? Kids? I don't care. As for R-Truth and Xavier Woods, well it is nice to see Afican Americans being shown on WWE TV. Moving on....)

Match#6: Total Divas (Bella Twins, Eva Marie, Cameron and Naomi) vs. Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Eva Mendes and Summer Rae
Winners: Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Eva Mendes and Summer Rae
(I saw one woman I wanted to see and that was Kaitlyn. She did not do much but nice to see her on Raw not Main Event. Other than that, this was another pointless match to me. We all know that the Diva show is going to be back on in January. And with what happened at the end, it is fair to say that the focus is still on the Bella bitches. So moving on to the end. Hopefully this is not going to be SSDD from WWE.  )

Main Event - Part One: Daniel Bryan vs. Luke Harper
Main Event - Part Two: Daniel Bryan vs. Erick Rowan
Main Event - Part Three: Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt
Winner: Daniel Bryan
(Until the end of this match and also the events after the match, this was SSDD from WWE. Daniel Bryan was doing his thing. He was all over the place. This should be the champ and also the main event for all PPVs in 2014. However, WWE or mainly Vince and Triple H isn't happy with the indy guys being the main eventers. So what we get is this mess. Also, please not that there was no Cena or Orton in this show but will be on Smackdown this week. As for the ending, well I will save that for the end of the review. Time to end this...)

Final Thoughts: I was going to say that I was speechless about the ending of the show because WWE is going to gamble on changing a guy who was the 2013 WWE Superstar Of The Year into a heel and not to mention changing the way we are suppose to see him is both genius and fucked up. Not to mention that if this show is suppose to be PG then having a creepy family like the Wyatt Family isn't PG to me. This is the waterdown version of the Ministry back during the Attitute Era. Only thing is that Undertaker was more scary. What really pissed me off wasn't that they made Daniel Bryan join the Wyatt Family but making sure that he is not in the main event anymore. Same with CM Punk fighting The Shield. I am not a real mark of either but I want to see change. WWE is heavily trying to use their past stars rather than to make new stars. I don't have a problem with Batista, Brock Lesnar, or anyone else coming back but I just think Vince isn't able to let go of the past. In addition, with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon running things, it is just like a waterdown version of the Attitude Era without blood and sex. It is almost the end of 2013 but it makes me sad to watch this show where the ending changes the way we are suppose to watch WWE. At least TNA when to an original ideal with having Magnus being their champion. Well I think WWE is going to make me quit watching because they are going the wrong way. See you all for the first TNA Impact and the first Smackdown of 2014.

Gene The Grappler

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