
TNA Impact Review 3/1/12

Note:  TNA Impact last week was filled with NFL stars and Sting going crazy. So with that said, I hope we can avoid seeing more NFL players and some of the other things. I said last week, that I hoped TNA was better than WWE Raw and Smackdown and I was disappointed. So when I watch this week, I will not hope for the best and expect the shitty. So here TNA Impact……

Match#1: Kazarian beat AJ Styles and Daniels in a Gauntlet Match.
(I guess I am still lost as to why these men have a feud. All three are good wrestlers but it's hard to get over their lack of mic skills. I guess I will figure out why Daniels is a heel and Kaz is his lackey soon.)

Match#2: ODB beat Madison Rayne.
(I like ODB and thank god she won over Madison Rayne. I don't have alot more to say about this match.)

Match#3:  Zema Ion beat Shannon Moore.
(Zema Ion almost killed a wrestler. So I guess he will be in an angle with Sorenson once he's healed. Shannon Moore seems like he's out of place.)

Match#4: Velvet Sky and Mickie James beat Sarita and Angelina Love.
(I don't see the hype with Velvet Sky. I know Mickie is a good wrestler. Why is Angelina Love wrestling with Sarita? Is Winter gone? This was an ok match.)

Main Event: James Storm, Samoa Joe and Magnus beat Bobby Roode, Bully Ray and Austin Aries when Storm hit Last Call on Roode.
(I like this match but this was border lining on being a clusterfuck. Both champs were in the match but I see why the X division is slightly better. Why is Bully Ray a main eventer? )

Backstage segments: Bobby Roode and Austin Aries. Aries brings up his recent tweets about Sting. Roode and Aries joke on Sting before walking off. Kurt Angle came out and talked about not liking Jeff Hardy. Angle called Hardy out and a match is made for Victory Road. They brawl to end the segment. Bully Ray is backstage ranting about Giants player Brandon Jacobs. Roode and Aries come in and blame everything on Sting. Aries, Roode and Ray come to the ring and complain about how Sting is running things. They hold a protest in the ring and won't leave. Sting appears in the ring and threatens to suspend Ray and strip the other two of their belts. Sting makes a six-man match tonight with them against James Storm, Magnus and Samoa Joe.

Final Thoughts: This was a good show but I want more action and less talk. There was no Flair, Hogan, Bischoff or even Jarrette. Why are they using an NFL player to hype the show? I hope Smackdown can make up for the lack of action and drama. 

Gene The Grappler

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