
TNA Impact Review 3/15/12

Note:  I decided to try to give TNA Impact a fresh start because I want to see if this gets better or worse. For the most part, I hope to see that TNA is improving or if they don't give a fuck to what they put on TV. I am a wrestling fan and want to see wrestling not filler. TNA is infamous for filler. So here's TNA Impact. By the way, I forgot there is a PPV this Sunday. I will be putting a review of it Sunday night/Monday Morning.
Opening Segment: James Storm came out and challenged Bully Ray to a fight. Ray comes out and has someone else in mind - Gunner. The match is made for later tonight.

(James Storm is a good face. I love him as a character because he's more realistic than most in TNA. Gunner is a great heel. I forgot who was his partner but I like that he takes orders and basically is a henchman for Immortal. Ugh....Bully Ray? Why is he a main event player? Who's ass did he kiss to be in a major storyline? If you can't tell, I don't like Bully Ray. Bubba Ray, I liked but not Bully Ray. )

Crimson beat Samoa Joe.
(Where to begin with this? Ok, so I like the heat that Joe and Magnus are getting for being the tag champs. I like Joe and Magnus as singles wrestlers. Joe needs a better push but this is better than X Division hell. Magnus is someone I love to hate. That was the good things. Crimson and Morgan? Why? TNA let them go in different directions. Why are you guys keep forcing them as a team? I wish this was a dream but I hope they don't get the belts back. I will be pissed if TNA gives Morgan and Crimson back the tag titles.)

Austin Aries comes out and brags about being X Division Champion. Zema Ion comes out to confront him.
(AA is A+ to me. He's a great heel. I liked the speech he gave and the bravado this guy has as champ. I guess this is better for the X Division. AA is going to be more than the X Division champ. I see more from him. Zema Ion is young and dumb. He's getting heat for what happened to Jesse Sorenson. I hate that he's using this heat but whatever. AA is keeping the X Division title for a while.)

Mr. Anderson was back in action and defeated Daniels.
(Most of this was boring to me. No real mention to AJ Styles! This was a dumb match and a dumber storyline. Moving on.)

Gail Kim beat Mickie James.
Madison Rayne beat Velvet Sky.
(I combined these matches because Madison is facing Gail this Sunday at the PPV for the Knockout title. Both of these matches gave me hope for the Knockout title and some gratification as a man looking at women wrestle. I rather watch these women wrestle than anything WWE does for their women. By the way, Mickie James is hotter now in TNA than in WWE. That's only because she is not being called Piggy James. )

Kurt Angle faced Garett Bischoff in a Beat the Clock Challenge but couldn't get the pin in under 5 minutes.
(This is another dumb and pointless feud. Moving on. )

James Storm beat Gunner.
(Good match. I loved the way this ended. Storm in ready for a title reign. Gunner is a great heel. I think Gunner is ready to be his own man. I guess that's why I like this match. Wrestling not talking.)

Sting and Bobby Roode came out for their Victory Road contract signing. Sting got pissed at the end and destroyed the setup. Sting laid Roode out with his DDT and painted his face and then Roode's face. Sting is crazy going into the fight at Victory Road.
(This was pointless. The end of the show was filler to promote a shitty match. Roode is going to win by cheating. Sting is a joke to me. No more needs to be said.)

Final Thoughts: The middle was the best but the beginning and the end was filler. The matches was good for the most part. I might have missed some things but I did not miss the wrestling. I am not going to talk about the supposed wedding of ODB and Eric Young until they get married. Most of the backstage stuff is pointless. However, this did not upset or disgust me like WWE Raw did. So good week for TNA Impact. I cannot wait to see the shit after the PPV. See you all for WWE Smackdown.

Gene The Grappler

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