
TNA Impact Review 3/22/2012

TNA Impact 3/22/12

Note: This is the Impact after the PPV. There was so much that was going on. Especially with the main event. I hope this show is good. I cannot deal with anymore dumb shit with TNA. Also I hope Roode is going to be fired. Here's TNA Impact....

(First of all, what Roode did was both genius and insane. I fell for the fact that he was going for the heel heat. My issue is that this was leading to Sting wrestling again and also Hogan coming back on TV. By the way, Dixie Carter needs to get some improv work because she was not doing a good job acting.)

James Storm comes out and talks about Roode. A man comes out and says Roode won't be appearing until Lockdown and isn't obligated to. Storm vs. Daniels and Kazarian is announced for tonight.
(What? Really?)

Eric Young and ODB beat Rosita and Sarita.
(This is starting to get funny because a man is holding a woman's title. I do hope this is a sucessful storyline because marriages on wrestling does work but then again, it blows up in their faces. By the way, what happened to these chicks? I do think TNA is slowly using WWE's idea of using non women wrestlers. I never though Rosita or Sarita could wrestle.)

Austin Aries, Tony Nese, Kid Kash and Zema Ion wrestle to a No Contest when Bully Ray clears the ring.
(Bully Ray, why? What is your fucking issue? I actually like this match until you had to come in. You are not a main eventer! This was a good match until he came in. I think Kid Kash hurt his ankle. Austin Aries was getting the best of these guys. Damn you, Bully Ray!)

Samoa Joe and Magnus beat Mexican America. Rosita and Sarita interfered until Repo Games Josh Lewis ran out and stopped them.
(The match was great. This was the best of tag team wrestling in TNA. I actually loved this match. Thank you TNA for this match. First they repoed their car and their women. Damn! What made me laughed was when this guy took the women and walked away with them. The match was good. )

Gunner attacked Garett Bischoff in his 3 Minute Challenge with Kurt Angle. Jeff Hardy made the save.
(This is boring to me. Gunner is being wasted as the muscle. Angle is starting to get stale as a heel again. Garett is being wasted. Finally, why is Jeff Hardy in this picture? This whole thing was wasted on me. I guess because I don't get it. Moving on.....)

James Storm beat Kaz and Daniels in a Handicap Match
(This was a good match even with all the clusterfuckery going on. Kaz and Daniels work good together but there was too much calling spots in this match. Botchamania needed to be used. Also Storm is not a high flyer but he held his own in this match. He's becoming the cowboy he's made out to be. )

Hulk Hogan returns to end the show. Sting comes out and begs Dixie Carter to let Hogan run the show. Sting says Hogan has changed and should be in charge of TNA.
(So we don't know if Hogan is back in charge or not? We were left with a cliff hanger? Really?)

Final Thoughts: The show as a whole was ok. I am trying to become a fan of TNA. I am getting there but it's hard because of the backward nature of TNA. So Hogan is back? Why? Why is Dixie back on TV? Why is Sting wrestling again? Why Angle is in a feud with Jeff Hardy? Why is TNA using a reality TV star for an angle? Too many fucking questions but no answers. See you all for WWE Smackdown.

Gene The Grappler

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