
TNA Impact Review 7/10/14 - Championship Showcase

Note: So this is basically a championship edition of TNA Impact. This is interesting because TNA is good at showcasing their titles. At least TNA makes sure people know who their champs are. WWE only focuses on the main titles. Also it is going to be interesting because this is a taped show and I avoided spoilers. I am watching this and WWE NXT at the same time. However, the NXT reviews won't be up until the end of the month. NXT is getting a monthly review. So let's watch this special TNA show. Here is TNA Impact - Championship Showcase Edition.....

Match#1: The Wolves vs. Magnus and Bram - TNA Tag Team Title Match
Winners: The Wolves
(I would say this was a good match but this was very one sided. I only say that because Bram and Magnus was slow at times. Plus, this was just a way to make The Wolves look good. I was so happy to see this end because I was bored to tears. Not a bad match but then again, TNA needs more tag teams not two guys put together. Next match please.....)

Match#2: Austin Aries vs. Sanada - X Division Title Match
Winner: Austin Aries - New X Division Champion
(My god, this was what I missed. A good X Division match with a good ending. Nothing against Sanada but the whole storyline with him was getting old and very lame. We know that the Japanese love wrestling but he was basically doomed to fail. He can wrestle but don't give him a mike and speak. As for Aries, he is just more so a big name in TNA. He can win any title and make it look good. He created Option C for Destination X and he will prove it again soon. )

Match#3: Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love vs. Brittany - Fatal 4 Way for the TNA KO Title
Winner: Gail Kim
(Unlike WWE with the Divas, TNA does have better women's matches. I might not like Angelina Love, Velvet Sky or Madison Rayne but they can make a good match. Also seeing Brittany was good. Gail Kim is the queen of TNA. This was her night. I will admit that aside from Gail Kim, Brittany is getting better. Too bad she is in an angle like Mickie James was back in WWE. Thank you TNA for this.)

Main Event: 20 Man Battle Royal for the #1 Contendership for the TNA Heavyweight Title
Winner: Jeff Hardy not Willow
(I will admit that this was not what I wanted to see but for those who really like TNA, this was good. I wanted someone who is on Lashley's level to win this but Hardy is ok. I really cannot say much else because Hardy is like Yawn Cena in WWE. This was not boring but the ending was predictable. Time to end this review. )

Final Thoughts: The ending was lame and weak but the whole show was good for the most part. I got to see a good X Division match and a very decent KO Title match. I will admit that not seeing Lashley defend the title was bad but then again, it could have been done better. Basically, TNA did a good job to be competitive but sadly TNA also dropped the ball with having Hardy come out of his other gimmick just to job to Lashley. We will see. See you all for WWE Smackdown...

Gene The Grappler

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