
WWE Smackdown Review 9/28/12

Note: Last week's Smackdown was garbage. I hated it because it was lack luster. I hope this week's Smackdown is better. I also hope this is going to make up for last week's shitty mess. Here's WWE Smackdown.........

Opening Segment: Big Show opens SmackDown and he's not happy. He wants the World Heavyweight Title. Randy Orton comes out and hypes their match tonight. Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio are out next. Del Rio says he's the one who should get the next title shot. Orton ended up hitting a RKO on Del Rio and facing off with Show.

Match#1: Antonio Cesaro defeated Santino Marella for the United States Title
(This was sad to watch and boring to see. We all know this is so fucked up. Both these guys are not American born. One is Swiss and one is Italian. This is so fucking wrong. This was a shitty match.)

Match#2: Beth Phoenix beat Natalya
(Beth was fired then rehired. We all know that Eve is a bitch and she got a title shot and won. This was a dumb ass story line but this match was years in the making. This was wasted on TV. )

Match#3: Wade Barrett beat Zack Ryder.
(Zack Ryder is in mid card hell. Wade Barrett is slowly building up back to title shot status. This was sad to watch. WWE is killing Zack Ryder but also killing Barrett. Why? Dunno.......)

Match#4: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow defeated The Uso Brothers.
(This is part of the tag team #1 contenders tournament. WWE is trying to get more teams together to get more prominence in the tag team division. Good ideal but it is late. This was basically a jobber match. )

Match#5: Ryback squashed Tensai.
(This was so cool to see but lacking any hype. This could have been better if there was some hype to this match. Ryback is like Goldberg but he had a title by now. So Ryback should get the IC or US title match soon. )

Main Event: Big Show defeated Randy Orton
(Big Show is getting a shot at the WHC. Thank you god for this. No more ADR!!!! Even though he helped take out Orton but Show and Sheamus will be better for business. Thank you WWE for this brilliant change.)

Final Thoughts: This was not a bad show but there could have been more matches and also more spots for promos. I just hope WWE Raw is better this week. WWE Smackdown did get somewhat better. So until then, see you all for WWE Raw.

Gene The Grappler

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