
WWE Raw Review 7/16/12

Note: After the shitty PPV last night, this is the 999th Raw Episode. I hope this does not suck like last night. Here's WWE Raw.

Opening Segment: CM Punk and Big Show Segment
(No Comment..........)

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Titus O'Neil and Darren Young vs. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth
Winners: R-Truth and Kofi Kingston
(I am starting to hate the tag team division. This was a good match but just watching it now, upsets me. WWE has abandoned their tag team division. This is bad for fans that care like me. )

Zack Ryder vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
(Why? At least Ryder got on Raw but ADR is trying to hard to be the bad ass people think he is. This was a sad match to watch because I like Ryder and want to see him succeed. ADR is worse than JBL. At least JBL had more range. )

Rikishi vs. Heath Slater
Winner: Rikishi
(This was a match I didn't care for but the ending was very sad. Not only did Rikishi did the Samoan Spike but also the Bonsai Drop. In honor of Yokozuna and Umaga.)

Eve Torres and The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan and AJ
Winners: AJ and Daniel Bryan
(I am going to puke. So DB and AJ getting married? This is bullshit. Eve and Miz? I wanted to be sick watching this because this was not a good match to me. )

Jack Swagger vs. Ryback
Winner: No Contest
(Ryback is getting more hype and more matches. This is the Goldberg of the new WWE. )

Brodus Clay vs. JTG
Winner: Brodus Clay
(I don't know what's sadder to see: JTG jobbing or Brodus getting over more. Also why does he have kids in the ring with him? What the fuck is this? )

CM Punk vs. Big Show
Winner by DQ: CM Punk
(So Cena is going to cash in the contract next week. Why? Punk is going to lose the title only because WWE wants Cena to have the title and also carry WWE again. I hate this!)

Final Thoughts: Raw 999th show was a joke to me. Mostly because I am going to see angles and storylines die after next week. AJ marrying DB? Why? To make me sick. Ryback is moving on up. Why? WWE wants a new Goldberg. Heath Slater is done jobbing to legends? Nope because he's a jobber with a shitty gimmick. Finally, Cena cashes in his MITB contract next week. Why? Because WWE wants their guy to have it and spit in the face of us that love seeing Punk as champ. Good night and see you all for TNA Impact. At least their title changes were welcomed and good for them.

Gene The Grappler

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