
TNA Impact 10/25/12

Note#1: Ok, I am ready for Aces and Eights to end. I say that because I think the leader is going to be someone we know. Also, I will say this again that Devon, Bully Ray and Sting need to retire for good. I think TNA is scared to let their talent shine. I am not worried about Hogan because he will never leave TNA. With that said, I hope we get a good week of TNA.

Note#2: So this is like the WWE's version of Night of Champions. All the titles should defended but I got a weird question: Will the KO tag team titles be defended? Also will these titles change hands? We will find out. This TNA show is going against the MLB World Series. This should be a good night for some changes in TNA. Here's TNA Impact...........

Match#1: Zema Ion vs. Rob Van Dam - TNA X Division Title Match
Winner: RVD
(So RVD isn't a paycheck player in TNA? I call bullshit. I liked RVD before he got into TNA. I guess I feel like his time like Hardy's time passes. This was basically a clinic for Ion because RVD is going to keep this title for a while to make room for young talent. I did like that Matt Morgan is trying to be a badass. I love that Joey Ryan is in TNA. So I guess I did get something extra in this match. RVD went from champ to chump is seconds.)

Match#2: Samoa Joe vs. Robbie T. - TNA TV Title Match
Winner: Samoa Joe
(So Joe now has to fight the Jersey Shore rejects? WTF! At lease Devon did it with class before he became evil. This was another clinic match because Joe could kill these guys with a choak hold in like seconds. This was like watching Old Kane in WWF, red and crazy. Joe is the man.)

Match#3: Austin Aries vs. Mr. Anderson
Winner: Austin Aries
(This was probably the best match seen on TV. Aries must have read the Eddie G Handbook of Cheating. I have never seen so many brass knuckles in my life. This was a good match. WWE would not have used the tactics because they are PG. This was a funny match to see.)

Match#4: Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher - KO Title Match
Winner: Tara
(I am going to be honest with you all, I could not watch this match. All I saw was three hot women in the ring. What made this match so unbearable was that this was like watching lesbian porn. I know I am suppose to be objective but it is hard to see this match objectively. This was bad. What was funny is that I guess this is what TNA wanted their fans to see. Tara won!)

Main Event: Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA Heavyweight Title Match
Winner: Jeff Hardy
(This was a good back and forth match. This was not only a clinic for both but this does prove that WWE has the edge in repeat matches. Both men were in WWE. Both men used their respective finishers and move sets. This was like doing this match on WWE Smackdown vs. Raw. I did like this match but I am tired of the same shit every other week. Aries did save the ending of this match. Also thank you Aces and Eights for taking out Angle. )

Final Thoughts: This was not a real championship themed show. No tag team title match! No KO tag team title match! Also Aces and Eights basically are becoming old. This was basically a set up for next week's show: Open Fight Night. This was kinda of pointless. I guess I knew that after Bound For Glory, it would go downhill. So see you all for WWE Smackdown.

Gene The Grappler

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