
TNA Impact 3/8/12

Note: Last week's Impact was lacking the usual suspects. No Flair, Hogan, Bischoff, or anyone that holds down the show. I find it funny that with WWE doing WM28 that TNA had to bring in a guy from the NFL. So I hope this week is a better week. Last week was ok but this should be a better week. So here's TNA Impact..........

Eric Bischoff with Gunner and Ric Flair open the show. Bischoff said he spoke with Sting and a match has been booked for tonight, it’s Gunner and a mystery partner vs. Garrett Bischoff and a mystery partner. Bischoff welcomes Kurt Angle as Gunner’s partner.
(Well I got my wish. I got to see the guys that kill TNA week in and out. I forgot that Flair was in last week's show. I guess I was that sick. As for this Bischoff vs Bischoff angle, I am tired of it. Let it go Eric. Move on and foreward. )

Match#1: Eric Young and ODB beat Gail Kim and Madison Rayne to become the NEW Knockouts Tag Team Champions.
(On so many levels, a mixed couple winning tag titles is not a good thing. So what is going to happen after this angle? Will Eric Young go for the Knockout Title? ODB going for the TV Title? Weird. Also I know they are getting married for the storyline because if this was real, I might have to drink heavily.)

Match#2: Zema Ion beat Austin Aries via DQ in an X-Division Championship match.
(This match had bullshit all over it. I know Aries wanted to save this match for the PPV. I think this is going to get played out soon. I cannot wait to have Ion win the belt and then Sorenson comes to face him.)

Bully Ray called out Sting and wants to be the new number 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Sting books him in a match with Robert Roode (non-title).
(Boooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrring but funny because Sting is losing it. Bully Ray is getting on my nerves.)

Match#3: Robert Roode and Bully Ray fought to a no contest.
(Storm ran down to fight them both, but Bully Ray fled. Storm nailed Roode with the Last Call Superkick. So glad that James Storm is not out this angle. I still don't like Bully Ray as a main eventer. Storm and Roode can make this work but not for much longer.)

Match#4: Crimson and Matt Morgan beat Robbie E and Rob Terry. Crimson and Morgan are now the number 1 contenders for the tag team gold. They did however argue a little after the match.
(I hate you, TNA bookers. Why are you doing this to most of us fans? No more Crimson and Matt Morgan! I hope you all die for doing this. I also hope Joe and Magnus beat them again.)

AJ Styles talks about TNA’s 10 year anniversary. Christopher Daniels and Kazarian hit the ring and they also both talk about the anniversary. As Daniels and Kazarian look to beat down on Styles, Mr. Anderson makes his return! He makes the save for Styles and they clear off backstage.
(This is so confusing but I hope Anderson can fix this angle.)

Main Event: Garrett Bischoff and Jeff Hardy def. Gunner and Kurt Angle
(I would love to comment on this match but I will let this wait until next week.)

Final Thoughts: TNA was ok but still missing something. I did have more to say but I think TNA tonight left me a bit speechless. With all that's going on I rather wait for Smackdown tomorrow to speak about that. That's all for now.

Gene The Grappler

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