
TNA Impact Review 12/20/12

Note: So after the fact that USA/WWE has taken over my main TV watching this week, it was nice to turn my mind off to see TNA. Also I just hope that this is the sign of good things with TNA. I guess my standards for TNA is higher than WWE because TNA is not trying to appease to kids. With that said, let's dig into TNA Impact............

Match#1 - TV Title Match: Devon vs Kurt Angle
Winner: Devon
(So um, this is an interesting way to start the show. Why? It is because these men have faced each other for over 10 years. This is nothing new. I guess this was a stale match to see. Devon is the heel while Angle is the hero. Their matches back in the day were better than now. Moving on.........)

Match#2: Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan vs X Division Champion Rob Van Dam & Kenny King
Winners: Matt Morgan & Joey Ryan
(Wow, well I think this can be called a clustefuck. This was funny as fuck to see. Why? It is because all four guys reek of jobber. RVD is a paycheck player. The other three are jobbers with names. Kenny King is going to beat RVD. However, Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan will not be champs. Just jobbers banded together.)

Match#3 - Knockouts Title Match: Tara vs Mickie James
Winner: Tara
(This is just like the Angle/Devon match. We have seen it before. Nothing to see that's new. However, just seeing Tara bounce around and Mickie being sexier did make this more of a wet dream match than a serious women's match. Thank you ladies for showing me that you can still good. DAMN!!!!!!!!!)

Main Event - TNA World Title Match: Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries
Winner: Jeff Hardy
(Why was this a TV match? Why am I seeing this match period? The answer to both questions are I don't know. This could have been saved for a later time. Also when is Hardy suppose to leave TNA? I hope he leaves because if he stays, he will join RVD as a paycheck player. Not a good match, guys..........)

End of the show: Hulk Hogan is in the parking lot telling the annoying cameraman that he plans to get the World Title situation and Aces & Eights figured out in 2013, then he looks across the parking lot and sees Bully Ray and Brooke make out. Hulk ignores any further questions from the cameraman and just gets in his car and drives away.
(I am FUCKING sick right now. Why? Well basically, Hogan wants to fuck his own daughter. We have seen it via TMZ. So why is TNA going to make this an angle? This was a sickening subject. I want to see more from Aces and Eights. I don't want to see Hogan mad that his daughter is supposedly screwing someone. I want to see wrestling. So I hope this is a sign of change.)

Final Thoughts: Well unlike the ending to WWE programs, TNA endings are like watching bad porn while sick with the flu. You never will be able to comprehend the garabage and be bored and pass out. I know that was harsh but then again, what I just saw was bullshit. Well this is going to be interesting because Smackdown was live but it is going to be repeated tomorrow. So I guess I will take next week off to have fun for the holidays. Gene The Grappler will post the taped shows next Friday. So have fun, enjoy the holidays.........

Gene The Grappler

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