
TNA Genesis Impact Review 1/16/14

Note: Well it is time for TNA to shine. This PPV on TV concept is mind boggling because it basically makes the shows look either too good to be on TV or worse than a regular episode of Impact. I am not a fan of basically having a PPV on TV. This also goes for the extra PPVs that TNA put out. TNA needs to try to be better not worse. Also, I saw a pic of a TNA house show in a gym this past weekend. There had to be like maybe 200 or 300 people in the place. What the fuck? Here's TNA Impact/Genesis PPV on TV.

Match#1: Daniels, Kaz, Zema Ion, Bromans and Lei'd Tapa vs. Samoa Joe, James Storm, Gunner, Eric Young, Joseph Parks and ODB
Winners: Samoa Joe, James Storm, Gunner, Eric Young, Joseph Parks and ODB
(Well I will not use the word that came to mind when this was setup. I will admit that without the opening segment, it would be hard to follow the ideal for this match. I will repeat that I watch wrestling for the action not the talking. If you follow Botchamania, you know the segment People Talk Too Much, then you know the opening of this laster almost 30 minutes with commercials. So basically this was how they got some people in the PPV on TV. No tag team titles were on the line. This wasn't a good match but the ending was cool. Also with all these people fighting in and outside the ring, this should have been a no DQ match. Also this was interesting to see the women get involved with the men. WWE haven't done too many matches like that. I love Samoa Joe because he was the reason why I watch this all the way through. Moving on...)

Match#2: Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson
Winner: Bully Ray
(This match was build up after the end of the Aces and Eights. So Bully Ray got rid of Brooke T. So Bully Ray is acting like he is emo. So Bully Ray is threatening to burn people and kill wives and kids. Then Mr. Anderson comes off as the hero and the savior of TNA for getting rid of Aces and Eights. This was build up to a good match. Was it good? Hell no! This was like watching a good action movie but the ending was flat. I also will admit that once Bully Ray won, I changed channels. Moving on...)

Match#3: Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne - KO Title Match
Winner: Madison Rayne
(I am going to cry. I am going to be pissed off. What the fuck TNA?!?!?!?!?!? Gail Kim was good as champion. She was the best heel for females. Also what is the logic in giving the title to Madison Rayne? I did have a feeling that all the heels that sided with Dixie would lose something in the long run. I did not want to see Gail Kim lose her title. If she was going to lose her title, let it be to Lei'd Tapa. At least that storyline is an oldie but a goodie. I am not a fan of Madison Rayne as a wrestler. However I will admit that she can do a good job working the mic. )

Main Event: Sting vs. Ethan Carter III
Special Guest Referee: Rockstar Spud
Winner: Ethan Carter III
(I have seen some dumb matches in the 30 years I have watched wrestling. I remember a lot of the jobber matches in the early and mid 1980s. This was possibly the dumbest match ever. So you mean to tell me that it took a two men to screw Sting? Also would someone explain to me what was the purpose of this match? We all know that EC3 is not going to lose right now. Also would someone please explain to me how fast Rockstar Spud counted to three. My god that was a fast three count. Time to end this review. )

Final Thoughts: As I watch this show, I wanted to see if TNA could do something cool with this PPV on TV concept. Like I said, I feel that TNA is trying too hard with their PPV on TV concept. This is also the first time I have ever seen a PPV on TV split in two shows. So you mean to tell me that we got the best or is next week the best? One thing that I think is funny is that unlike WWE with The Authority, we got Dixie Carter and her bitch fits and getting all the heels to do her dirty work. I don't know why people think she is attractive, she isn't. Stephanie McMahon is an attractive woman that is actually smart and can get physical. So I will move on and go to bed. See you all for WWE Smackdown - The Fall Out From WWE Raw.

Gene The Grappler

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