
WWE Smackdown Review 8/9/13

Note: Well it is the end of the week. It is time to see WWE Smackdown. Unlike WWE Raw or even TNA Impact, I am losing hope in watching WWE Smackdown. I have tried to watch this show without the Raw reviews but it is getting to me. Plus I still think it is time to move Smackdown off Syfy. Even watching the show on Syfy is getting tired. Anyways, here's WWE Smackdown.....

Match#1: Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner: Randy Orton
(Normally, I would bitch about the opening match because I feel that the opening match needs to showcase the younger talent not older talent. This was a rare exception plus we all know that this is more of a WWE Raw match. What kills me is that RVD is in the mid card after being in a main event match at the last PPV. What pisses me off is that RKO is a main eventer but pushed off as a mid carder. This was a good match but as a fan, it is hard to watch this match with excitement.)

Match#2: Fandango vs. Kofi Kingston
Winner: Fandango
(I will be honest with you all about this match: this match was fucking boring!!!!!!! I love that Kofi is back in the mix but that's why it is boring. His name is FANDANGO!!!!!!!!!!! Vince's character is not working on me. Plus, I was under the assumption that we are not doing gimmicks anymore in the WWE. Moving on........)

Match#3: Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett
Winner: Daniel Bryan
(First of all, since when is Wade Barrett is a barber. Second of all, why would Vince be dumb enough to shave off Daniel Bryan's beard? The whole setup to this match was dumb but the match was good. Wade is not going to be in the WWE much longer if he is going to be burried in the mid card or jobbing to guys. As for DBry, well I love him as a wrestler and his promo on WWE Raw was on point. He's a wrestler. Cena is a poser. Good match and I know we will see this again soon. )

Match#4: Kane vs. 3MB - 3 on 1 Handicap Match
Winner: Kane
(This was more for the old school fans to watch Kane kill these guys. This was a jobber match to the third power. I could have done this match on SvR or WWE12. This was a good ideal but then again, seeing that Kane is close to retirement, he can do anything and still be cheered and respected. Plus it is funny to see 3MB flop all over the ring. I am tired of the promos with the Wyatt family. Time to see all three in the ring in a match. Same as The Shield.)

Main Event: Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Christian

After The Main Event: Damien Sandow came out with his Money in the Bank briefcase and a referee. Before the bell rang, Cody Rhodes ran down and came leaping off the top rope to stop Sandow from cashing in.

(The match was the best thing seen on Smackdown in a while. I say that because Christian needs to have a title plus if he leaves again, just retire like Edge. Also ADR is getting old and tired. No more RR, and no more charisma. As for Sandow coming to cash in the MITB contract well it was bullshit. We all know that Sandow is going to do it later on in the year or next year. Don't tease us like that. Cody is funny being a face but if he's still a heel it is funnier. Either way, good ending to the show.)

Final Thoughts: Well I am going to say this was a very entertaining show with a few moments that made me love this show. I think most of my criticism is the spoilers. Also because of the shitty editing from WWE. I was at a live Raw and a taped Smackdown show. Both were edited for no real reason. See you all for WWE Raw.

Gene The Grappler

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