
WWE Raw Review 2/11/13

Note: So over the weekend, we had news that CM Punk might have been injured by The Miz. I hope CM Punk is not out of action because he is more needed that John Cena. Also there have been reports that The Undertaker was in the area where WWE Raw is coming from tonight. So we might have a match between CM Punk and Undertaker at WM. Aside from that, we hope to see The Rock and also Brock Lesnar tonight. So this might be a great show. Too bad, I am not that optimistic. Here's WWE Raw.........

Opening Segment: Paul Heyman is in the ring and basically quits WWE. CM Punk comes out to make him change his mind. Heyman and Punk basically hug and conviences themselves that the nightmare will be over.
(Ususally, I hate WWE openings but this was good because it was good to see Heyman be sad. Also it was funny to see CM Punk be the voice of reason. This was a very creative way to open the show and also make the WWE title more relevant. Good job WWE for making things interesting.)

Match#1: Mark Henry vs. Great Khali
Winner: Mark Henry
(So, after we get the oscar performance of the year with CM Punk and Heyman, we get some bullshit. We all know that Mark Henry is going to kill Khali. Also just to put more heel heat he takes out Hornswoggle as well. So you just got two jobber matches in one. This was so slow that I change the channel and turn it back to see the carnage. Boring as fuck.........)

Match#2: Chris Jerricho vs. Daniel Bryan
Winner: Chris Jerrico
(This was the match of the fucking year. Why was this match second? This should have ended the show. I think I was so excited to see this match that I watched it all the way through. We saw everything from both men. Y2J can still go and Daniel Bryan actually showed people he can wrestle not be a joke. Best fucking match of 2013.............)

Match#3: 3MB vs. John Cena, Sheamus, Ryback
Winner: Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus
(This was a clusterfuck of all jobber matches. We all know that there was no fucking way that 3MB was going to win versus the super powers. This was like watching Hogan and Warrior tag against two jobbers. Sad to watch but cool to witness. It was just fucking awful but a good clusterfuck of awful.)

Match#4: Jack Swagger vs. Zack Ryder
Winner: Jack Swagger
(This match was boring. Swagger is a heel with a purpose. Ryder was just there to be there. The old man with Swagger was fucking funny because he went on a big ass ramble. So I am going to move on. Nothing to see here.)

Match#5: The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes
Winner: The Miz by DQ
(Didn't care about the match. I knew Miz would win. What fucked it up was Cesaro being a douche. By the way, what the fuck was Cesaro doing to Miz? Looked like he was using him as a fucking bat. This was one weird thing to see.)

Match#6: Epico and Primo vs. Tensai and Brodus Clay
Winner: Tensai and Brodus Clay
(So um, what the fuck WWE? Epico and Primo versus a hot mess.......We all know who won. What the fuck? I mean I loved seeing Clay's dancers but this was a match that had my head hurting but also losing brain cells. This was the dumbest thing I saw since the finger poke of doom. )

Cena, Sheamus, and Ryback brawled The Shield
(This was so fucking funny to watch because we all know the faces were going beat them. I really was going to miss this brawl but watched it to see the fight all over the ring and in the crowd. Moving on.)

Match#7: Alberto Del Rio vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
(Good match. No bullshit. This was a good way to see Alberto Del Rio get ready for the PPV. Sorry Sandow but this was not your night. Moving on........)

Match#8: Wade Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston
Winner: Wade Barrett
(Bo Dallas almost took out Barrett. I was happy to see the kid take out the barrage for a second. This was another classic match from these guys because it was good as gold. This was just as good as the match with Y2J and Daniel Bryan.)

Match#9: Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler
Winner: Kane
(This was a good match. No fuck ups in this match. I figured that this would end with Kane winning. It would not make any sense to have Ziggler have two chances to get the WHC. Plus I figure that Ziggler will show off during WM to win the WHC. )

Main Event: Rock and CM Punk brawl for the title. CM Punk stole the title from The Rock.
(Well I would want to see these men fight again because this is better than Cena/Rock II. This was a good way to end the show. I know Rock telling a story but the fight was better.)

Final Thoughts: Aside from the mid carders fucking up the show, this was a good show regardless. I love that Y2J and Daniel Bryan was the best match of the night. I also loved that we did not see anything really dumb except Tensai basically being a joke to end his run at WWE. I am excited to see this PPV because it might make or break the WWE for Wrestlemania. See you all for TNA Impact because this is going to be an interesting week.

Gene The Grappler

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