
WWE Smackdown Review 2/7/14

Note: Last night we saw a very interesting TNA show that didn't suck but it was only because of the fact that they were not in the USA and it was taped and edited. So we end this week with Smackdown and hopefully something good to make up think about watching WWE Raw this week. It is just hard to believe that this week we haven't seen any signs of CM Punk and we might now see him back for a while. So let's watch WWE Smackdown and hope for something great to end the week...

Match#1: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler
Winners: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose
(I hate that WWE is teasing a break up of The Shield. However, it is funny that Roman Reigns is going to be the true future of WWE. He will be like his cousin The Rock. As for this match, I really think The Shield is getting better. I love the tension in between this group but it is the feud with The Wyatt Family that is going to make them even better. I will also admit that as a team, Kofi and Ziggler was good but we all know that once Evan Bourne comes back, Air Boom is back. Ziggler can team with The Miz to be Awesome Showoffs. )

Match#2: Sheamus vs. Ryback
Winner: Seamus
(I will admit this was boring. Only because Ryback is basically a jobber with a gimmick. Sheamus is still the same but at least he is not trying to be a jobber. He is the main event. I like him better than Cena or even Kofi. This was suppose to end the feud with Ryback and Sheamus but this just made me want to sleep.)

Match#3: Antonio Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan
Winner: Daniel Bryan
(I am not a big time ROH fan. However, this was more like a ROH match. This was not Daniel Bryan vs. Antonio Cesaro but Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castiglio. This match was the best fucking match in a long while. This shit was so good that I wished this lasted longer. I guess this was one of those times that Daniel Bryan could have saved this show but this wasn't the main event. Damn you WWE!!!!!!)

Match#4: AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella
Winner: AJ Lee
(Ususally, I would love to talk about any match with AJ Lee. Even though she wrestled a Bella, this was just boring and fucking sad. Why? It is because this division is shit. AJ Lee is champion but she is one of a few that can wrestle. I mean actually can put holds together and can finish a match. Also I want to point out that when AJ Lee did her pipebomb last year, someone was offended with her remarks. We all know it was one of the twins that assumes they can wrestle. Moving on...)

Match#5: Bray Wyatt vs. Goldust
Winner: Bray Wyatt
(I won't talk about this match because it was not a bad match. I guess this would have been a good main event. However, it was not. This was a good match and did not think this match had anything bad to talk about. So time to end this show...)

Main Event: Randy Orton vs. Christian
Winner: Randy Orton
(I will admit that I almost passed out during this match. I was not tired but bored. Also because this wasn't a good main event. Randy Orton has to face all his opponents for the Elimination Chamber PPV in singles matches. So far this was the second match. I loved that he lost to Daniel Bryan but this should have been a DQ ending. I guess I am not a fan of Christian or was just bored. Either way, I woke up in time to see the end. Other than that, time to end this review. )

Final Thoughts: I will admit this was a good week for Smackdown. At least these matches made some sense. I think sometimes WWE ignores or plain forgets that they do have a lot of TV time each week. Also we will also have more time via the WWE network soon. So it should be said that if people buy the network, they should at least give people a reason why to watch WWE Raw and WWE Smackdown. Next week is going to be be interesting with Betty White on WWE Raw and the 1 millionth match of Randy and John. See you all for WWE Raw.

Gene The Grappler

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