
12 Changes For WWE in 2013

Dear Fans of Gene The Grappler:

What I am about to discuss is something I have been tinkering with for the new year in wrestling. I know this is a long shot to suggest something this drastic and blantant but I think some of these might work in the long run. This is the WWE version of my top tweleve changes for WWE in 2013. Here we go...........

1.) Shorten WWE Raw back to Two Hours: Either from 8pm to 10pm or 9pm to 11pm.
Why go back to two hours? Simple, it is because no one watches the 8pm to 9pm hour. That is total             bullshit. It is like watching any WWE film without seeing a WWE star. Pointless. So go back to two hours for at least during the     boring times which will be soon. Shorten the fucking show.

2.) Live Smackdowns on Tuesdays or Thurdays: Preferably Thursdays to face off with TNA Impact.
This is a no brainer. Since TNA flopped on Mondays last year, this time around let WWE Smackdown be live on Thursday. Plus this could lead to making Smackdown a better show. No more B level status. This could also help TNA have something to actually challenge. Time for change, people.

3.) No more squash matches: No more Ryback quickies.
This is short and sweet. Ryback is not Goldberg. No more short matches with him. He can go longer than 5 minutes. Please allow him to grow into someone that is just out to kill jobbers. Nothing else needs to be said.

4.) Improve the Divas Division: Means more wrestling and less bitching.
Another short point to discuss. No more models!!!!!! I know there are women in the indys that can wrestle. We need to see     more longer matches with women. No more excuses because I know Natalya and Kaitlyn can go for at least 10 minutes. Basically, it is time to give the women their due.

5.) WWE Alumnis as GMs of Raw and Smackdown: No more of the same people.
Ric Flair is back in WWE. Don't make him a GM of WWE Raw. Booker T. and Teddy Long needs to go. Same with Vickie. So I  think it is time to see someone that has never had power in the WWE. Anyone but the same few people. Repetition in the     WWE needs to end.

6.) NXT needs to be on TV: No more internet shows or bullshit.
Why is NXT shown in Canada, England, and Russia but not in the USA? Why is NXT more for internet people then actual fans?  No one would not know about Big E Langston without the fact that he was the NXT champion. Same with Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, or Dean Ambrose. So why should we be denied of seeing the rookies on NXT?

7.) Less Gimmick Matches on PPV and More on TV: Gimmick Matches = Ratings.
I will guess that WWE is slowly moving away from PG. So that means it is time to put more gimmick matches on TV. There will be a TLC match on WWE Raw. That's a start. I would love to see a cage match once in a while. Please give me a  gimmick match.

8.) The Return of Managers: Use lesser wrestlers to be managers or valets.
    Rosa Mendes cannot wrestle but she is a good valet. Paul Heyman is a good mouthpiece but is not a good wrestler. My point     is that use the guys that are not being used to be managers or backstage help. Josh Matthews is an example of this. Also     Matt Stryker.

9.) Build Young Talent: Give the young guys a chance for titles and PPV matches on the PPV.
This is a big pet peeve of mines. I am tired of the same fuckers getting title shots, matches and the spotlight. I want to see Zack Ryder in a major title match. I want to see Daniel Bryan go for the WWE title again. I want to see anyone from NXT get a title shot. I am tired of seeing the same guys get title shots.

10.) Randy Orton = Heel Turn for 2013: Good for rantings and fans.
 I know this will get me heat but fuck it. RKO is a cool heel. He needs to be a cool heel. Take out Sheamus or ADR. RKO needs to be back to what he was in 2011 and part of 2012. RKO as a heel would help in the long run.

11.) Less PPVs or more PPVs quality on TV: No more boring PPVs.
 There are five shows on TV and 12 PPVs from the WWE. Two of the shows are the keys to what people see. The other three are more for kids and families that don't want to see blood or real violence. My point is that it is time to either fix the PPVs on WWE or time to go old school and go back to the original four PPVs and maybe a show on NBC three times a year. Something is better than nothing.

12.) Bring back the brand extension: Seperate but equal for both shows.
 It is time to make WWE fun by seperate shows. Time for a change. WWE Raw is the A show. WWE Smackdown should be the A show and WWE Smackdown should be also. No more guys on WWE Raw from Smackdown. No more equal shows. Time to go back to what show would outdo each other. I want to see the old competition of WWE Raw vs. WWE Smackdown.

I know this is hard to process because it is not going to be done but then again, someone might suggest something. I don't want to see the same shit in a different package. I want a change. This is something to start a change and hopefully an end to something boring and stale. The TNA list might be shorter than this but then again, it is not going to be as bad as this WWE list. Good night to you all.............

Gene The Grappler

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