
WWE Raw Review 1/21/13

Note: This is going to an interesting show because it falls on the MLK holiday plus the president inaguation day. I know WWE tends to ignore things like that but I hope they acknowledge it. We all know that this PPV is the start of the Wrestlemania season. This show is the catalyst for things to come. So let's watch this show and hope for the best. Here's WWE Monday Night Raw.

Opening Segment: Before the show started, WWE acknowledge the fact that it is MLK Day. So they showed part of the famous speech of Dr. Martin Luther King. We go to the ring and see Vickie Guerrero and Paul Heyman. They talk about what happened last week with The Rock and CM Punk. They also speak of how The Rock dissed both Heyman and Vickie. Vickie bans The Rock from getting inside the arena.
(Where to begin with this shit? Really? The Rock is a movie star! He will get in. Aside from that, blocking people to enter the area is so attitude era. This was not good to start the show. By the way, since when does Vickie and Heyman get along? WTF!)

Match#1: Antonio Cesaro vs. Randy Orton - Beat The Clock Challenge Match For Entry In The Royal Rumble
Winner: Randy Orton @ 11:36
(I like RKO. I don't like him to talk or do a promo but he is good in the ring. I hate Cesaro because he is basically boring. This match was like watching kids fight sleep. Plus if Cesaro won then we will not get a U.S. title match at the PPV. Basically, WWE hates the U.S. title and feels like this title is bullshit. I never understood why they put it on Cesaro. The pace of this match is going from slow to boring. Thank you, RKO for ending this shit before I changed channels.)

Match#2: Big Show vs. Zack Ryder
Winner: Big Show
(This was like watching a man get the shit beat out of by a giant. This was quick and painless. I am shocked Zack had a chance in hell to win. I like Show but this was so unfair. By the way, Brad Maddox came to interrupt the announcing team but it was quick as well. )

Match#3: Heath Slater vs. Ryback
Winner: Ryback
(He came, he saw, he ate a boy band. This was quicker to see than Big Show's. This would have been longer but I guess shorter in better. By the way, this match did last long enough for a bathroom break. )

Match#4: Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz - Beat The Clock Challenge Match For Entry In The Royal Rumble
Winner: Dolph Ziggler @ 10:56
(This is a good match. Both men are in their prime and both should be in the main event. This match did not disappoint or even insult my intelligence. I love how The Miz as a face is gaining more momentum. As for Ziggler, well I am actually a fan of the pink wearing show off. Not because he has AJ in his corner but because he is a real deal. He finally broke the shadow of all the mid card shit he went through. One question: What if Ziggler not only wins the Rumble but cashes in the MITB?  )

Match#5: Kaitlyn vs. Alicia Fox - Non Title Match
Winner: Kaitlyn
(This was a very short match. I got the chance to see my crush - Kaitlyn. She is better for the division than Eve. This was a quick match because Alicia Fox is not good and we all know we will see AJ vs Kaitlyn soon. We might see also Kaitlyn vs. Tamina soon.)

Match#: Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett - Beat The Clock Challenge Match For Entry In The Royal Rumble
Winner: Sheamus but he did not beat the clock.
(Good match. Action all through out the match. Both men are main eventers. This should have been the best match of the night but was ruined by Ziggler and his posse. I am mad because I wanted Sheamus to win but Ziggler was the true heel. By the way, this did piss me off because watching this match made me believe WWE was going somewhere with this match. )

Match#: Alberto Del Rio vs. Tensai
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
(This was suppose to be a good match. I guess this was good on paper. What the fuck am I watching? This is not a good match. This is like Hogan wrestling The Brooklyn Brawler. This was total bullshit. We all know that Tensai is going to be dominate but he will bend like a twig. This was more of a waste for the fans.)

Main Event: John Cena addresses the fans about his Royal Rumble chances. Sheamus comes out to interrupts to say he will win. The Primetime Players comes out to interrupts. Then we see RKO comes out. Then we see The Miz comes out. Then Team Hell No comes out. Next comes Cesaro comes out. 3MB comes out to claim they will win the Rumble. Then the locker room clears out. So basically everyone in the main roster is in the ring.
(At first, I was about to change channels when Cena was being funny. However, after his speech with all the guys coming out it made me want to see all the guys beat up each other. Unlike last year, this year's Rumble match should be interesting.)

Final Thoughts: Well yet again, the last part of the show made the show interesting. This is weird because we saw three sqaush matches and some really interesting storylines that might hold up to seeing life at Wrestlemania. I hope this show is better than advertise. That means no bullshit. Vince made it clear that if the Shield fucks up the WWE title match then CM Punk would lose the title. So until Sunday, see you all for TNA Impact and WWE Smackdown. By the way, no more reviews of Main Event because basically it is pointless to me.

Gene The Grappler

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