
WWE Smackdown Review 4/19/13

Note: This has been a very weird week of wrestling to me. I just think after Wrestlemania is when feuds die and things just get rebooted. TNA actually put on a so so show but I was happier seeing that mess than WWE Raw. So with that said, it is my pleasure to hope that WWE Smackdown will make this feeling of shame go away. Here's WWE Smackdown........

Opening Segment: Santino Marella comes out and mocks Fandango.
(I never though I would say this but.......thank you Santino. I laughed my ass off. I shot snot out of my nose. I farted while laughing at Santino basically making fun of this shitty character. Santino is my hero of this show so far. )

Match#1: Fandango vs. Santino Marella
Winner: Fandango
(This was bullshit! This was bullshit! This was bullshit! This was bullshit! I know Vince has a hard on for Fandango but this was bullshit. I am so fucking pissed at this match. Why Vince? What the fuck is wrong with you!!!!!!!!)

Match#2: Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett- Champion vs. Champion Match
Winner: Kofi Kingston
(This was more like a jobber title vs. title match. I laughed because it was so sad to see these men fight for nothing. This was more pointless than a #3 pencil. I am done with this because next week, it will be done again. #SSDDWWE)

Match#3: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
(I actually was in tears watching this match. Not because I was laughing at them but because these men are selling injuries and making this feud more believable. I think it is good that this feud will continue but I can't wait until it ends. I am the single. )

Match#4: Hornswoggle, Natalya and The Great Khali vs. Primo, Epico and Rosa Mendes
Winner: Hornswoggle, Natalya, and Khali
(I wish I could get my time back for watching this shit. I mean it was not something I wanted to see. I actually want to see good wrestling not bullshit. I hope to forget this shit come next week because if not then I might have to lobotomize myself. #SSDDWWEPT2)

Main Event: Big Show and Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton and Sheamus
Winners: Big Show and Mark Henry
(This was suppose to be the main event. This was like watching bread bake. Slow as hell. I literally changed channels while this was going on and didn't care how it ended. So let's go to the end of the blog.)

Final Thoughts: Well this will end another week of wrestling. Basically it was like how the week always end: With me disappointed. I am a huge fan of wrestling and I saw glimpse of good matches. However, most of this week was SSDD. I hope next week is better and hopefully soon, I will see something epic. See you all for WWE Raw.

Gene The Grappler

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