
WWE Monday Night Raw 11/19/12

Note: After the PPV, I actually want to see how WWE raw turns out to be. I loved the end of the PPV. I loved that Dolph stepped up. I also love that basically CM Punk saved the show. So let's see what happpens with this show. Here's WWE Monday Night Raw........

Match#1: Tensai vs. Ryback
Winner: Ryback
(We saw this match already. This time around we did see Ryback pick up Tensai. This wasn’t the best way to start the show but then again, this is better than seeing a mid-card hell match. Wait, we did see a mid-card match of sorts because Tensai is a jobber. )

Match#2: Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett
Winner: Wade Barrett
(Wow, this is so fucking sad. Wade Barrett is supposed to be looking to face the World Heavyweight Champ. He is not supposed to be getting a mid-card title shot. WTF! Nothing against Kofi who is a permanent resident of mid-card hell but he should be facing guys for the main event. This was a good match but sad because these guys need to be out of mid card hell and in the spotlight.)

Match#3: Kaitlyn vs. Aksana
Winner: Kaitlyn
(Well I got my weekly boner thanks to Kaitlyn. This match was boring as fuck. I actually was watching something else when this match was on. I just wanted to see Kaitlyn’s firm ass and body. I saw it then watched something else. By the way, Kaitlyn was fucking screwed last night at the PPV. Moving on…..)

Match#4: Brodus Clay vs. Antonio Cesaro
Winner: Antonio Cesaro
(I definitely changed channels on this match. Why? Brodus is a jobber. Cesaro is boring. I watching this long enough to walk up and get something to eat. This was not something I wanted to see. Why? Brodus is a jobber. WTF! Cesaro is boring. Moving on again………)

Match#5 - 2 of 3 Falls Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Randy Orton
(I am tired of seeing these guys wrestle. I love RKO. I hate ADR. This match was good but I didn’t like how the first pinfall was done. DQ wins are good for heels but not to RKO. I am done with this. I know I will see another match for Smackdown. )

Match#6: The Great Khali vs. Primo and Epico
Winner: The Great Khali
(No comment…….this made me so pissed, I almost wanted to destroy my TV. Not because who won but the match as a whole.)

Match#7: David Otunga vs. The Miz
Winner: The Miz
(Well thank you Miz and Otunga. This was a good match. Why? No hype, just straight wrestling. David Otunga might have overdone this match but it was his best. The Miz might have worked his ass off to make people like me happy. I might want to consider this a possible mid card match of the year. )

Match#8: Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: Sheamus
(This was another good match. I say that because not only did Damien Sandow showed he can brawl and wrestle but he made this a good match to watch. Sheamus was just pissed from last night. So this was a good match both on paper and seeing in. I hope to see Damien be a champion. He does not need to be in mid card hell. Sheamus is going to be around to face whomever is the World Heavyweight Champ. Good job guys……..)

Match#9: Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio vs. Kane and Daniel Bryan
Winners: No Contest
(Thank you Prime Time Players for making this match bearable to watch and also thank you for not letting this match end clean. This was a good match but boring. I just lost faith and interest in Sin Cara and Rey. Team Hell No was good. I am glad this ended the way it did. )

Main Event: CM Punk celebrates him being the WWE Champ for one complete year. He brags about who he beat and stuff. Paul Heyman had a good speech prior to CM Punk coming out. Ryback interrupts. He’s met by the three men that took him out last night at the PPV. The was the same as the PPV where they powerbomb Ryback then CM Punk stands over him.
(This was a good way to end the show. I love how WWE is using their NXT talent to be on the main show. I think they are reading bookings Matt Ward and I have been posting. Thank you. )

Final Thoughts: I skipped the opening of the show because basically it leads to the showdown with CM Punk and Ryback. The PPV does not give this new feud justice in explaining how the end of it made something new. I skipped the bullshit drama with CM Punk/AJ Lee/Vickie. I will say the fight with Cena and Ziggler was something I missed seeing on WWE TV. Also AJ Lee is a crazy bitch to fuck with. Most of the hits she laid onto Ziggler was vicious. The end was good. The last few matches leading into the main event was better than the matches in hour one. I hope everyone will have a good Thanksgiving. TNA is taped and so it WWE Smackdown. The results will be up soon.

Gene The Grappler

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