
WWE Raw Review 11/26/12

Note: After the holiday, I want to see something to make it up for watching garbage. I want new not old bullshit. So I guess it is easy to say that I hope this is a week of good things. With that said, here is to the fans wanting more. Here's WWE Monday Night Raw. By the way, we might get to know what's coming for the next PPV.

Opening Segment: Recap of last week's show. We then open to the first match of the show.
Match#1: Ryback vs. Titus O'Neil
Winner: Ryback
(The opening of the the show is being to be a nice clusterfuck of useless information. I guess people need to be reminded of the shit they had on last week. So Ryback is starting the show? Why? He is getting out of the mid card hell into the main event. We need to save him until the end to face or showcase the ending of the show. Prime Time Players are jobbers in pink tights. So fucking sad because I wanted them to be tag champs. )

Match#2: Alberto Del Rio vs. Great Khali
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
(Ok well this match was setup because Rosa Mendes got wet by Hornswoggle last week. So ADR comes to woo her but Khali comes to save the little man. So this was a match. This was a dumb match. I guess because of the comedy involved. This was more like a jobber match.)

Michael Cole interviews the new NXT group to invade the main shows: Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns.
(These guys need to be in the main roster. These men can make the mid carders shake and the main events fear them. These guys are basically hungry to win titles and make a name for themselves. These guys are going to be the future of WWE. Their time is now.......)

Match#3: Alicia Fox vs. Tamina Snunka
Winner: Tamina Snunka
(This was fucking boring. Neither can wrestle and neither can keep my attention. Where is AJ? Where is Kaitlyn? Anyone else?)

Match#4: Tensai vs. Kofi Kingston
Winner: Kofi Kingston
(So Tensai is a jobber? Deja vu is a bitch. Kofi holds the IC title. Wade Barrett wants the IC title. This would be good if I have not seen Wade with the IC title. I wanted to be in this match but this was kinda boring to see because I know what was going to happen and how sad to see Tensai job to someone. WTF!!!!)

Match#5: Rey Mysterio vs. Daniel Bryan
Winner: Rey Mysterio
(This was a better match. I love the action. I also love the fact that these guys can work. Rey is older but he still can go. Daniel is good. He needs to be back in the main event. This could be a mid card match of the year candidate. )

Match#6: John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler
Winner: John Cena
(This was a good match. I was shocked to see it end clean. I was happy to see AJ and Vickie get involved. This was a good match. I know this will be seen again on the PPV. This was better than expected because John Cena is wrestling hurt. Ziggler is stepping his game up. I am also happy to see the women do better than talk. I don't like this match because John Cena is involved but like it because it was new and different.)

Match#7: Antonio Cesaro vs. Sheamus
Winner: Sheamus by Countout
(This was a good match but the ending sucked. Why did they ended it with a countout and then add Big Show in the mix? This was not going to suck. Sheamus never really had a bad match but this was close to being a bad match. Damn you WWE!)

Match#8: Zack Ryder vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: Damien Sandow
(This was sad to watch. I wanted to see Zack win. At least he got to be on Raw. Damien Sandow is growing on me. I love this gimmick. I think it is only because he was tag teaming with Cody Rhodes. So sad to see Cody on the DL for his shoulder. Good match to say the least. )

Main Event: Kane vs. CM Punk
Winner: CM Punk
(This was a good match to end the show. Both men were favoring their knees. CM Punk is a good wrestler. Same can be said for Kane. This could have been for the title. Kane is a mid carder but then again he was champ. I love the fact that this ended clean because most title matches end with someone getting screwed. )

After The Main Event: The Shield attacks Kane. Ryback comes out to attack The Shield. CM Punk attacks Ryback. The Sheild takes out Ryback.
(So the NXT guys have a name. This was a cool way to end because we got a group looking out for CM Punk and the title. I don't care what they said about them not doing that but they are. Kane got beat. Ryback got jobbed. This was so fucking cool.)

Final Thoughts: Again, the ending saves this show. The last three matches saved this show. I love that the first hour basically is jobber central but the last 30 minutes is the best ever. So I guess I need to watch the last part of the show because it is the part that matters. I really think WWE Raw should only be 30 minutes or less. See you all for TNA Impact. I hope to fucking God what I saw was a fucking dream.

Gene The Grappler

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