
Dear Dwayne - Wrestlemania 29 Edition

Dear Dwayne Johnson bka The Rock,

What the fuck are you? Are you an actor? Are you a wrestler? Are you champion? Are you a joke? Please answer one of these questions because you are on my shit list. As a wrestling fan, it is clear that the champion is supposed to make an appearance. I find it funny that you are champion but you and Cena love to kiss Vince’s ass. Why are you holding a title that people expect to see or view weekly? I want to support you in your stint in WWE but that’s hard to do. I am tired of trying to defend someone that is doing too much in a little amount of time.

As an actor, you are a good actor. Regardless of the genre of movie, you can emote the emotion that is needed to convey to the audience’s emotional state. Before you became an actor, you were a good wrestler. You come from wrestling heritage and you can act but this is where my frustration comes in. You came back to WWE last year to face Cena and you beat him. So why do it again? You came back and won the title against a man that carried the WWE for a year. You made enemies by doing that. Then you show up like 50% of the time. You are a part time champion. WWE and the real fans want a full time champion. We don’t need another Softball Sid situation.

So what is the point of this letter? Well like I asked you in the beginning, answer one of those questions. Even though it says WWE and the E is for Entertainment, the entertainment is wrestling. Your grandfather and father were wrestlers. You were a wrestler. Now you act in blockbuster movies but then come back and screw up the flow in wrestling. You messed up a good streak. You kissed Vince’s ass. We suppose to like you and cheer for you but what are you? At least Jerricho admits that he is an entertainer. He has a band. He is a reality celebrity star. He is also a wrestler. He can answer the questions I ask you because he is not afraid to engage and screw with the fans. Until you know what you are, please don’t screw with the flow of WWE. Vince might be your bitch but the fans are tired of this part time champion bullshit.

Gene The Grappler

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