
TNA Impact Review 2/28/13

Note: This is first show after being in overseas for the past month. We got through four weeks of no Jeff Hardy. No Impact Zone. And no small crowd feel. I want to come into this show with hope and glee but I am not. I am going to see the same shit in this show. I want more. I hope for more. So with that said, let's watch the show and hope for no hardcore bullshit. Here's TNA Impact.........

Opening Segment: Bully Ray introduces Jeff Hardy. They will face for the TNA Heavyweight Title. Kaz and Daniels come out to interrupt. They fight and we move on.
(Well at least Bully Ray was honest in saying that he did not deserve the title shot. Jeff Hardy is a joke. Thank you Kaz and Daniels for interrupting because it was getting boring. Bully Ray is not a good face. He's a better heel. I am shock to to say that. Hardy should have left while he can. )

Match#1: Tara vs. Velvet Sky - Knockout Title Match
Winner: Velvet Sky
(So where to begin with this match? Tara should stil be champion. Why? Because it is a joke to see a model become champ. I hate that TNA is not using real wrestlers in the KO division. This was a joke. I actually wanted to see Tara win in back. I am glad that Gail Kim is going to face Velvet at the PPV. I hope she win.)

Math#2: Austin Aries vs. Hernandez
Winner: Austin Aries
(Well this was said to see because Hernadez should have won. However, thank you Aries for winning because it was hard to watch this match without getting bored. Aries won, moving on. )

Match#3: Kenny King vs. Rob Van Dam - X-Division Title Match
Winner: Kenny King - New Champion
(THANK YOU FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!! Ding Dong......Paycheck player is dead. Kenny King is the new king of the X Division. I am happy for this because we will change in the X Division. That means we will see good matches again. Maybe we will see better matches now that we won't see RVD and Kid Kash. I was so happy I was crying with Kenny King. )

Match#4: Ivelisse Velez vs. Lei’D Tapa - Gut Check Challenge
Winner: Ivelisse Velez
(This is the future of the KO division. Holy shit......This was a real match. No bullshit!!!! I actually was into this match and also was getting aroused. Velez is a fighter. I have never seen a woman choke out anyone. This was the best match on TNA in a long time. Thank you ladies.)

Main Event: Kaz and Daniels (Bad Influence) vs. Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy
Winners: Jeff Hardy & Bully Ray
(Well this was actually a good match to see. Two former tag team champions working together is good for viewers but then again, I wanted to see chaos. This was a good match. I love seeing Daniels and Kaz in the main event. This was a good match to see after the so so mess during their overseas trip.)

After the match: Kurt Angle runs rought shot over the Aces and Eights. He beats up everyone there. He sees the main man of Aces and Eights. He unmaskes him. We don't see his face. Aces and Eights beat up Angle. End of the show.
(I hope we do find out who the leader is because Aces and Eights in getting old. I hope it is someone we don't expect. I want to see more Aces and Eights. I want see more people join because we don't need to see jobbers and rookies.)

Final Thoughts: Well this is better show than the shit over seas. I got more and was happy with the little I got to see. I think once TNA travels we will see better shows. TNA is using the old WWE Raw schedule to do live one week then tape the next week. So I hope we see more good things from TNA. See you all for WWE Smackdown.

Gene The Grappler

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