
WWE Payback PPV Review 6/16/13

Note: Well unlike the major PPVs of WWE, this feel like a non existent PPV. I wonder why WWE cannot just survive with four seasonal PPV. Anyway, it is sad that I was close to paying for this PPV. Thank god I came to my senses. So what are we suppose to be excited for? I hope to see CM Punk come back but that's 50/50. Don't care for Cena vs. Ryback because nothing will change for that shit. I am also confused with the pre-show matches and more confused with the title matches except for the major title matches. I know we will see Ziggler vs. Del Rio. I hope Ziggler keeps the WHC. I just hope this is not the night I lose my patience and go HAM on WWE PPVs and booking. So here's WWE Payback........

Pre-Show/Match#1: Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: Sheamus
(Well I am kind of glad to see someone else start the PPV that is not The Miz. I love that this match was the preshow match because this basically was a shitty match. I guess I will say that because Sheamus is a jobber killer and Damien Sandow is semi jobbing. So this was just a shitty match but perfect to start the show. So thank god this was not in the main PPV.)

Match#2 - WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Curtis Axel vs. The Miz vs. Wade Barrett
Winner: Curtis Axel - New IC Champ
(Well let's see if I can follow WWE logic with this match. So you stop pushing Fandango because he gets a concussion. So instead of seeing a repeat of WM 29 with The Miz and Barrett, you add Curtis Axel because he is the new hot thing. So we get to see this match first because it is going to be a hot match. Now, I follow the logic so far but this is where I lose it. So you mean to tell me that if Fandango was in this match, he would have been the new IC champ. Instead of getting that, we see the son of Mr. Perfect win the title he had for years and on Father's Day. I am not upset with this but just wonder if this is temporary or maybe there is a plan with this. Either way, Heyman has another champion. )

Match#3 - WWE Divas Title Match: AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn
Winner: AJ Lee - New Divas Champ
(I was going to attempt to watch this seriously but after thinking about what led to this match, I had to watch this as a match. I love that for the first time in years, we saw a good storyline that took some time to build up to. We had the best friends that was separated by love. AJ bounced from guy to guy while Kaitlyn was working to be champ. AJ Lee is the true diva in this match because she has been ready to be champ for years. I love both ladies but AJ Lee is better on the mic and also AJ is playing a role. The real AJ is basically what nerds been dreaming of for years. Good job WWE with this match. Thank you for not fucking this up.)

Match#4 - WWE United States Title Match: Kane vs. Dean Ambrose
Winner: Dean Ambrose by Count Out
(Well I wish I could say this surprise me, but this didn't. I think it is because we all know that The Shield is the shit right now in the WWE. So what bothers me is that Ambrose could have won this match clean. This could have been a good match because both guys can go. So why did this match end the way it did? It is because WWE creative fucked this match up. )

Match#5 - World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler
Winner: Alberto Del Rio - New World Heavyweight Champion
(NO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What the fuck? Really? So you could have had Ziggler run with this title for the summer but because he had a concussion, WWE creative gave the title back to ADR. Why? You mean you couldn't give Ziggler the benefit of the doubt and let him run Smackdown. I wanted to see Ziggler be the champion he should be. Instead, he is back to jobbing and also putting others over. What the fuck WWE?)

Match#6: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho
Winner: CM Punk
(This was the match that I wanted to see. I wanted to see this match because this wasn't for a title but the epic return of CM Punk. This was the one time Y2J had to job to get CM Punk over. Watching this match, we can see the seeds that were planted that CM Punk is going to be a face not heel. That would explain why we might see Heyman get another guy in his team. This was the best match of the night. This made me happy to be a WWE fan. Seeing CM Punk home in Chicago was epic. Thank you WWE for this return. )

Match#7 - WWE Tag Team Title Match: Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns
Winners: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns
(I am going to move on from this match because this is true SSDD in motion. Moving on........)

Main Event - Three Stages of Hell for the WWE Title: Ryback vs. John Cena

Stage One: Lumberjack Match
Stage One Winner: Ryback

Stage Two: Tables Match
Stage Two Winner: John Cena

Stage Three: Ambulance Match
Winner: John Cena
(What was the fucking point of this match? This was pointless. Why? It is because WWE creative fucked up a good thing with this match. We all know that Super Cena cannot lose the title or a one on one match. Ryback was made heel to be someone that could take out Cena. This was a pointless match. Bullshit. Just total bullshit. )

Final Thoughts: What's sad to me is that WWE is trying to make something for the mid carders and jobbers. We got to see some good changes with the IC title and also the Divas title. The Shield is still strong and powerful. I wanted to see some changes in the major titles but we got to see ADR be WHC again because Ziggler got hurt. Cena had to outdo Superman this weekend because the new Superman movie was #1. So basically, this was not a total shitty PPV. However, next month's PPV will be better. Especially since we will see RVD back in WWE. One problem: He will be a midcarder and jobbing to the kids ASAP. See you all for WWE Raw.

Gene The Grappler

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