
WWE Raw Review 6/24/13

Note: Well it is time to celebrate the life of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and his son Daniel. I don't care about how they died or the circumstances in which they died. People cannot judge people because no matter what religion you are, you cannot judge man. So now that we got that shit out of the way, we all know that WWE will not acknowledge Chris Benoit so let's move on from that. Basically, it is time for WWE Raw. We know that we will see another match with Daniel Bryan and RKO. We will see the aftermath of Brock and CM Punk. So time to be entertained. 

Match#1: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton - Part One
Winner: Double DQ
(Well we at least got to see this first because if this was the main event, I would have been pissed. We got to see how this feud will continue. I am not mad because this brings both men back to the main event not the mid card. What's sadder is that this will not be the end of the match or the feud.)

Match#2: Team Rhodes Scholars vs. Sheamus and Christian
Winners: Sheamus and Christian
(I am happy Christian is back to get one more WHC title match. Other than that, this match was boring to me. That's because I have seen this feud gone on long enough. Sheamus is the other Cena in WWE. Rhodes Scholars are jobbers with a brainy gimmick. Boring as fuck. Also ended quick.)

Match#3: Kaitlyn vs. Aksana
Winner: Kaitlyn
(I was happy to see this match. I was happier to see Kaitlyn win. I was excited to see AJ Lee come out as Kaitlyn. AJ Lee made me laugh my ass off. I love how this feud is going on because I love to see actually storytelling in WWE. Not shitty storylines. )

Match#4: Chris Jericho vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Chris Jericho
(Well I loved that this was a good match until the end. I was hoping to see ADR lose clean but a DQ ending was better. Ricardo comes to save his boss out. It was funny to see it happen. Dolph Ziggler comes out to attack ADR. Epic fight with ADR and Ziggler then Ziggler and Y2J. Cool match and love the ending.)

Match#5: Ryback vs. Great Khali
Winner: Ryback
(This was total bullshit. Really? Ryback is back to killing jobbers? What the fuck? You mean he can't get a midcard title now? He's back to killing jobbers and also sucking as a heel. Ryback rules?!?!?!?!? Jesus, what idiot came up with that? What is sad to see is Natalya and Hornswoggle walking with Khali. Thank god this match ended quickly. What the fuck?!?!?!?!?!)

Match#6: Tensai and Brodus Clay vs. 3MB vs. The Usos - Triple Threat Match for the #1 Contender for the Tag Team Titles
Winner: The Usos
(Well I finally got to see a clusterfuck of a match. So this is how to see who will face The Shield for the tag titles? This is a big clusterfuck. I cannot believe the Usos won this fucking match. What the fuck is going on with the booking in WWE?Thank god for The Shield coming down to face the challengers. Also thank god for the hype. )

Match#7: Darren Young vs. CM Punk
Winner: CM Punk
(Well this was a weird match to see. First of all, CM Punk is not a midcarder. Why is CM Punk facing Darren Young? This was a weird match because Young was close to winning the match. Holy shit! Also with what's going on between CM Punk and Heyman, this was even weirder. Add in Curtis Axel coming to save CM Punk after the match was fucking crazy. Best fucking match of the night for completely different reasons.)

Main Event: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton - Street Fight
Winner: Daniel Bryan
(Thank god this shit is over. My god, I was watching the news while this match was on. I turn back to see Daniel Bryan making RKO tap out. My god, the lengths WWE will go to put someone over. I guess the good old days of hyping someone over time is replaced by quick bullshit. We all know that DBry is getting a title shot soon. So this was a good match to showcase his talents but also his heart. So thank god this did not end with total bullshit. )

Final Thoughts: Was it me or was there a shitload of WWE commercials tonight? I did not mind the commercial with The Call because that's still funny. However, the Sheamus shit is lame now. AJ Lee selling toys was hot. I guess WWE can sell shit on USA network now. What the fuck ever!?!?!? So we get past that shit, this was actually a good show even with some of the crazy shit seen on it. I am glad I left during the Cena bullshit because that was SSDD. CM Punk segment was the best drama on TV. That made me cry. Seeing Triple H, Vince McMahon, and Stephanie McMahon was worth the viewing pleasure tonight. I love that the WWE Champion MITB match is stacked heavy. All the guys have held the WWE title before. RVD will not be a mid carder. As for Mark Henry, well I never laughed so fucking hard because he had the balls to think his shit last week was good acting. I am glad I was laughing while he was giving his heel speech. The end of the show did help this show out as well. So see you all for TNA Impact. 

Gene The Grappler

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