
WWE Smackdown Review 5/17/13

Note: Well it took a lot of nerve, guts and will to write this entry. I guess after seeing Smackdown live without no commercial or editing, seeing this on TV again makes me sick. Just like WWE Raw, seeing it live makes me think Vince cannot allow the fans to cheer for whomever they want. I know it is bad when people tell me Smackdown is like a podcast that people only want to see when something interesting happens. So let's see how shitty Smackdown is going to be without Ziggler or ever Booker T.

Opening Segment: The Miz and another MizTV segment. His guests are Randy Orton and Big Show, who were previously advertised for The Highlight Reel. We see highlights from the Orton vs. Show feud. Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Mark Henry and Sheamus all end up in the ring and a brawl breaks out. Orton, Del Rio and Sheamus clean house before Teddy Long comes out and makes a six-man match for later tonight.
(SSDD is in full effect. No Booker T means Teddy is making shitty tag matches. Does he have a hard on for tag matches? Also we all know this is a ploy for people to watch the PPV this weekend. I mean I would have loved something different but this is what we get for tonight. So sad to see Miz become a midcarder all over again. )

Match#1: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs. The Usos
Winners: The Shield
(I was so thankful for seeing this match as it was seen. Why? The Usos suck and The Shield will become Tag Team Champs. This was so quick only because we all know that WWE hates tag teams and hates showcasing their young talent. Thank god for the ending because we all know that The Shield isn't scared of Kofi but is scared of sucking.)

Match#2: Tensai and Brodus Clay vs. Darren Young and Titus O'Neil
Winners: Tensai and Brodus Clay
(This match was so boring that I did not watch it or care to see it. SSDD in WWE.)

Match#3: Chris Jericho vs. Antonio Cesaro
Winner: Y2J
(I love seeing Y2J in action. I think this was more of a squash match for Jericho. We all know that Cesaro is done in the WWE. We all hope to see the end of Fandumbo. Vince is pissing me off by showcasing this dumbshit. )

Match#4: The Miz vs. Damien Sandow
Winner: The Miz
(I think this should have been on earlier in the show. SSDD is still alive in WWE. )

Match#5: Kaitlyn vs. Aksana
Winner: Kaitlyn
(I hate to say this but this was the best thing on TV. Why? As a redblooded male, this match was something to FAP about. I still hate Aksana as a wrestler but she is gaining weight and gaining a phat ass. Kaitlyn is my WWE crush. I love that she is a beast and she can wrestle. This was so hot to see because all I can think about is FAP. It was a good match but this was more so to FAP. Thank you Vince for this slice of heaven.)

Main Event: Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus vs. Big Show, Jack Swagger and Mark Henry
Winners: Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus
(This was fucking boring. So fucking boring that I will move on to the end of this blog.)

Final Thoughts: I did not want to write this entry. I think I was right to say that. I will say that this PPV will suck because no Ziggler, Punk, or any real relevance to the WWE storyline. So I guess I will see you all this Sunday for WWE Extreme Rules.

Gene The Grappler

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