
TNA Sacrifice PPV Review 4/27/14

Note: I will admit that I almost forgot about this PPV. Unlike WWE PPVs where they advertise the hell out of out it and make sure people find out where to watch it and on what, TNA is a little more low key and don't really advertise until two weeks before. Before this PPV starts, I will note that watching TNA PPVs on actual PPV is weird because most of the time it is basically a more adult TNA Impact show. Plus, I love how they advertise the hell out of their shirts and toys. So let's get ready for TNA Sacrifice, I feel like I am sacrificing a Sunday to hope for a good TNA PPV.

Match#1: The Wolves vs. BroMans and Zema Ion - Handicap Match for the TNA Tag Team Titles
Winners: The Wolves - New TNA Tag Team Champions
(I will waive my opinion of why I hate title matches to start the show. I will admit that I am happy to see these titles change hands. I think The Wolves will be better champs plus it means the BroMans will go away for good. It also means that Zema Ion can go back to the X Division and job to guys like Kenny King. Thank you TNA for finally putting the titles on a good team. )

Match#2: Samuel Shaw vs. Ken Anderson - Committed Match
Winner: Ken Anderson
(I will admit that I was glad this match ended with the right person. I think after seeing that fucked up skit with Shaw's mom and also the fact that this is a shitty storyline. I think it is funny that Anderson is doing stuff like this with the newer talent. I will also admit that watching this match was a good thing because on TV this feud looks stupid. )

Match#3: Rockstar Spud and Ethan Carter III vs. Willow and Kurt Angle
Winners: Willow and Kurt Angle
(I actually walked away during this match. Why? I basically was bored and it is sad to see Angle in a shitty match. Also I want to point out that Willow is a fucked up gimmick. I think it is time to admit that I rather see Jeff Hardy than seeing Willow. So moving on...)

Match#4: Tigre Uno vs. Sanada - Best of 3 Final for the TNA X Division Title
Winner: Sanada
(I don't get tired of seeing good matches. These three matches were good. Simply put, it is time for TNA to go back to making this the work horse title and give the guys in the division more time on TV. We don't need to see the same shit from the same guys. Get Kenny King back on TV. Get Zema Ion on TV. Go and get the guys that made this division better than the bigger title in TNA. Hopefully we won't get a shitty PPV featuring the X Division soon. )

Match#5: James Storm vs. Gunner - I Quit Match
Winner: Gunner
(I will admit that I am not tired of seeing these men fight but then again, I did nod off during this match. I think it was more so because it was going slow to me. So I will move on because we will see these men again soon. )

Match#6: Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne - Knockouts Title Match
Winner: Angelina Love - New TNA Knockouts Champion
(I don't know what was worse: Angelina Love winning this match or Madison Rayne being champion before. I have made it clear that both these women are good as valets but not as wrestlers. I will also make it clear that TNA can benefit from getting all the indy girls who can wrestle. This division needs help soon. Please get someone back to change this division. )

Match#7: Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode - Tables Match
Winner: Bobby Roode
(I will admit that seeing Bobby Roode put Bully Ray through a table was good because he needs to go. Seeing Dixie Carter interfer was an added bonus. I will admit that this is getting good but not that good. I guess I am tired of seeing the flip flop of Bully Ray and also tired of the fact that Bobby Roode is slipping into mid card spots. So please give him another title shot soon. No more of this...)

Main Event: Magnus vs. Eric Young - TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
Winner: Eric Young
(Unlike Daniel Bryan in WWE, Eric Young is not getting buried. At least having EY as champion is good for TNA. We will get fresh matches with him as the target. I was not pissed at this match happening again. I actually loved this match. I will admit that having EY as champion is better than seeing Daniel Bryan as champion. Like I said, EY is not getting killed by the same people each week. Good job TNA and thank you TNA. )

Final Thoughts: On paper, this was a shitty PPV. Most of the good moments were of the matches that I have seen on TV. I will admit that seeing an actual PPV from TNA is better than seeing a PPV like show on Spike TV. I just hope that TNA will do a better job of advertising their actual PPVs on TV. TNA does not have a network or an app but they do have the 24/7 crap of social media. Personally, I think that overkill. I mean if I want to see shitty acting, I don't want to watch the skits that did not get aired. See you all for WWE Raw...

Gene The Grappler

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